Duly Noted Part 7

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Castel stares at his cellphone screen rereading the questions mystery girl had sent him. He's been trying to figure out who this girl is for the past hour while Joy showered. He sits upside down on Joy's bed reading the email again and again. He really wants to figure this out. This girl sounds so familiar like he's known her for years...he might have, who knows? As he reads he's been going through the list of girls in his German, Math, and Science classes. He's narrowed it down to four girls he thinks would be possible candidates: Amanda, Sam, Tara, and Emily. They were girls that could fit the artsy, nerdy profile he's deduced from these emails.

"Whatcha doing dork?" Joy asks as she dries her hair with a towel.

He looks up at her and smiles, "Just reading some emails."

"About what?" She asks tossing the towel onto the back of her desk chair.

"Why are you so nosy?" He chuckles as she plops down next to him.

She flips upside down and smiles at him, "Makes my life exciting."

He smiles at her as she leans in next to him to try and read what's on his phone.

"Fine if you must know Nosy," he sighs, "I've been getting emails from an unknown person."

"If it's a prince in the middle east in need of money give it to him," she deadpans.

He sorts, "Jo-jo no never do that."

"Give to the needy!" She declares and begins poking him all over.

"He's not needy he's a thief!" Castel laughs trying to catch her hands.



He manages to catch her hands and she resorts to blowing a raspberry at him.

He chuckles, "You're such a child."

"Thank you," she beams.

He rolls his eyes and smiles at her as she giggles.

"So really who are these unknown emails from?"

"I don't know that's why they're unknown," he smirks and she pushes him.

"No dip Sherlock," she giggles.

He chuckles, "They're from a secret admirer."

"Ooooh mystery," she coos and rests her head on his shoulder reading over the email. "You have a secret admirer, ah?"

He smiles, "Apparently."

"Any clues as to who it is?" She asks

Careful Joy, she thinks to herself.

"Well she's really smart and she's definitely into the arts," he says. "She says we have three classes together."

"Well that's a start," Joy smiles.

"I've narrowed it down too," he says looking back at his phone.

"Oh?" She asks a knot forming in her belly.

"Yeah I think it's gotta be either Amanda, Sam, Tara, or Emily."

Suddenly Joy feels something within her change, the knot in her belly tightening for other reasons she can't seem to identify.

"Oh," she says flatly. "Why do you think those girls?"

He notes the change in tone, but he doesn't mention it.

"Well Amanda is in the band and most of my AP classes," he starts.

"It's not Amanda," she says cutting him off.

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