Chapter Thirteen - These Ain't the Cheap Seats

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Trick was thoroughly confused as to how and why there could still be so many college students in a university town right before Thanksgiving. In a city that made itself on the presence of large college, which meant that these kids had other places to be during a holiday, why were they all still there? The others in the rented car had to explain to him that Provo was a black hole for Mormon students, or so they had heard. Their school schedules were different than others in the U.S., and they had such a strong community here that people didn't want to leave. Plus, they would all be busing getting ready for the next bout of proposals, as Mormons were want to do, especially during a holiday.

Utah is such a weird place! Trick rubbed his temples.

He looked out the window and watched the tame signs and shops go by. There was a palpable difference to this place, one that he felt he could reach out and touch. He knew he shouldn't bring it up, though. Conturbatio was itching to go on about possible conspiracies (though Trick hadn't really heard any yet from the man) in regards to the Mormons. Or was he? After speaking with the mailbox, the Sphinx seemed a little more subdued. Trick wondered what it was exactly that had flipped the switch. Was it the bizarre case? The all-knowing aspect of the blabbermouth? Was it the hint of enemies? Was it the insanity of the whole damn situation!? Trick couldn't tell what it was, but he knew all of that was weighing down on him. This hadn't been the adventure he was looking for when he had been bored in school just yesterday.

Had it just been yesterday!? This whole case made him feel like he had been slogging through the unexpected and the unwanted for a month. One magically disturbing month! Not even a full 24 hours! Trick felt like punching something, preferably Brandon.

Soon, they pulled up to the theater and made their way inside. Brandon had come with his folks, and he was already getting cold feet. Apparently the promise of a hot chick's contact info can only bring a man so far. He and naomi both gritted their teeth, pinned Brandon between them and hiked him inside. Conturbatio bought the tickets.

"I am going to have a lot of explaining to do back at the office. The Budgeting committee is going to gut us even more than we already are..."

Stacey soothed him, "If we are able to prove everything that we have seen here and how it correlates with the last attack, the Q Files will grow in ways we have only dreamed about! Take a hit to win the fight, right?"

The Sphinx smiled at her and Susan said dryly, "Why don't you pull out those kinds of encouragements more often?"

But then the two women smiled and laughed at each other. Trick concluded that adults were all weird and insane. Once the Sphinx handed them the tickets, we went back to the ca, where a duffel bag with their secret weapon resided. He was going to enter the theater from the back. The inside of the theater felt like an assault from the 80's punctuated with too many neon lights. College students milled about everywhere, trying to get their popcorn, and dancing their significant others around other couples, and showing off. It was a unique dance and mad house. And the things they were saying were just too outrageous.

"Please Addison! I'm getting married soon, and I need the money. I can't support a wife on just popcorn!"

A tall and youthful man was almost on his knees pleading to a bearded manager, who looked like sexy carved out of Mount Rushmore.

"You know Jed, some people would come to this country illegally just to work for popcorn, because they don't have anything else! Are you really going to spurn what I am paying you?"

"I'm basically your slave!"

Addison sighed, "Of course you are! It was in your in employee contract, in bold nonetheless! Plus, you get free movies every week, AND you get to bring a friend! That is how you won her over, right?"

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