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Partner: William "Spike" Pratt.

How did you meet Spike?

I met spike while I was smoking, leaning on a tree.

Don't ask me why he started conversation with a skinnier than healthy random Russian who was leaning against a tree but he did, found out he was a vampire and offered for him to drink from me, I still have the bite marks but they are steadily fading, burnt his shoulder after I started feeling dizzy.

We actually got together in a rather odd way, hooked up after making out in a library and continued as he called it a fuck buddy relationship before he told me it wasn't exactly normal for people to just fuck their best friends. So that's how we got together.

What spike means for me is a lot, I'm a firebrand, I was cursed when I was young, five I think? My uncle angered a witch who in turn cursed me and my cousin, his was easier to control, mine not so much, I wore gloves all the time, I didn't want to accidentally catch anything on fire or hurt anyone.

More I was around spike, the more I felt calm, the more I could control it, I could take off my gloves for longer periods of time, he became sort of like a rock for me.

He's everything, he has many insecurities, I love him for him however, he's beautiful outside and really inside as well, he's done bad things but I'm not innocent either.

I just love him. He's a good man deep down, he even became human for me, he's done so much for me like taught me more English, how to write English and things for my physical health...is that the term? Okay, he's helped me gain weight so that you can't see my ribs and quit smoking, I still drink but not as much as I used too.

Spike is just honestly everything to me, I'm in love with him more than I can explain in English or even Russian.

He's my everything.

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