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Partners name: Amber Hoying

How did you and Amber meet?

I was assigned by my boss to be her body guard of sorts, we went to the same college, it worked.

She needed help with her car and cause I'm in mechanics, I helped her out.

How did you and Amber get together?


Well we had sex and I started going over more after our classes where over but we weren't...really together until Halloween. Amber dressed up and I didn't, she asked why I wasn't dressed up and I said that I was and that I was dressed up as her boyfriend.

I fuckin nailed it if you ask me.

What does Amber mean to you?

Gotta say this before I answer that.

I didn't care, I didn't care about school, my job, my old roommates, what my brother thought or if I lived or died.

Amber made me care again, she's a pretty great person, I love her a lot.

I care about her a lot.

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