Episode 9 - History Of The Queen

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"According to our records," Ishizu said, over the phone, "Zalia had four real siblings, all brothers; Alpine, Blaze, Niles and Wells. Her and the three younger brothers possessed the kas of four out if the six charmers, and her eldest possessed the ka of Harpie Boy. There's nothing else on the family of the Queen. As a matter of fact, there's very little about her at all, considering how important she must have been to the Pharaoh."

"I see," Yami nodded "Well... Thank you, anyway, Ishizu. I'll look forward to seeing you soon."

"I'll come as soon as I can," she promised "Good-bye, my king."

"Good-bye," he dismissed, hanging up the phone.

"So?," Westly sat at the kitchen table, waiting.

"What did she say?" Yugi wondered, hanging around in a spirit form.

"She's going to come back to Domino as soon as she can," Yami explained "Westling. I must ask you to do something for us."

"Shoot," Westly agreed.

"Can you go back to your home and get your brothers? I believe they play an important role in all this."

"Where are they going to stay?" Westly demanded "I'd like to know before I drag them all the way out here."

"Kaiba will let them in if you get Anna-Beth to convince him too," Yami insisted "Or better yet, tell him that Anna-Beth would never forgive him if he turned them away."

"That's awful," Westly smirked "But... Him being the rich asshole, I'm in."


Marik: I'm TRYING to watch the Technical Difficulty Channel!

Yami: TELL ME!

Catty: What is happening to this...?


Catty: Ah! No! Brassy! Go back to your own story!

Seto: So... Are you the one who get's paired up with me in your story?

Brassy: HAHAHAHAHAHA~! /falls-on-floor-laughing\ S'rry, K'bai! My brothah's got ya covah'd!

Seto: Well... I guess I don't mind being gay as long as I'm not paired up with someone like Wheeler.

Brassy: Wait... Ya seriously ain't fond of him?

Seto: ...

Catty: And this, my good friends, is why we do not break the third wall. Does everyone understand?


Seto: Wheeler?! Of all people?! You choose Wheeler?! What are you on?!

Westly: With my powers to communicate with the characters from other worlds, I can break all the walls.

Catty: You will not break the fourth wall, Westly.

Jake: You do realise, you break the fourth wall every time you do this commentary on the chapter with the characters...

Catty: I'm going to go watch Marik play Bloodlines. -.-

*•* <- Clown.

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