They were the kind of person who walked into your heart without knowing or knocking. They walked into my heart that way. I didn't notice them at first. But before long all I could do was stare at them. They hadn't been obvious before but now my heart would ache every time we made eye contact. They were my sun, and every moment I couldn't see them it was dark out. If I would look into the night sky, it would be black without them. Their eyes were black holes, pulling at every piece of my heart, as i scrambled to hold onto the pieces. Every time I saw them, I new they couldn't see me, and that hurt almost as much as knowing they could never be mine. Without knowing they had become my light, my art, my story's, my world. As much as I knew someone that perfect would never love a person as broken and flawed as me, I made the mistake of trying. Trying to gain their attention. Trying to pull them towards me. Trying so so hard to get them to see me. But every single time I tried I missed, hand extended and missing time and time again. Every time I missed I would feel a strange ache, at least the first few times. Now I know that was my heart breaking. Now every time I see someone make them smile, when I couldn't, sparkle when I failed or simply respond when I. Could. Not. I would break. But the worst part? Knowing them, and trying for them to know me was the most exquisite form of self distraction available, and I would choose that any day then being apart from them.