Chapter 1

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I woke up and looked up at my clock to see the time. 7.00am... what an inhuman time to be awake. I rolled over and attempted to fall asleep again, but it was no use. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I walked over to my closet that had literally nothing in it and grabbed my Pierce The Veil shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and went and had a shower.

After my shower I went and sat on my bed with my favourite book, The Fault In Our Stars. I looked at the clock and saw it was time for breakfast. I sighed and walked down to the eating area. As soon as I got there I was attacked by Lucy, one of the preppy girls.

"Look! It's the little emo sook!" I tried to keep walking and just ignore her but she turned around and slapped me in the face. Hard. I fell to the ground in pain. My face was warm and throbbing where she slapped me.

"Guess that'll teach you not to ignore me", she said smirking, then walked up to her friends laughing. I slowly stood up and just walked back to my room. I wasn't hungry anyway.

A few hours later someone walked into my room. It was Justine, she was one of the ladies who worked at the orphanage.

"Sophie, someone's here to see you, they're thinking about adopting you." I rolled my eyes and started walking down the stairs. No one ever keeps me for long. The longest someone's had me was about a week. They all decide I'm a depressed emo teenager who needs help, and send me back here.

When I got to the main area I saw four guys standing there talking to Justine. Then I realised who they were.... Pierce The Veil!! I slowly walked up to Justine. Soon the outside I may have looked calm, but on the inside I was going crazy. Were my all time favourite band seriously considering adopting me!?

"Sophie, these four men would like to adopt you", Justine said looking at me and smiling. Suddenly Vic stepped forward.

"Hi Sophie, I'm Vic. This is Mike, Jaime and Tony", he said, pointing to the guys as he said their names. They all smiled and gave me a small waves.

"I know who you guys are", I said pointing to my shirt.

"Oh, we have a fan, well we're defiantley adopting you then", Vic said with a little smirk. I can't believe it. Is my favourite band really adopting me!? I must be dreaming!! I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by Justine.

"Sophie, you better go pack your things". I nodded and ran up to my room. I grabbed the backpack I had in my closet and put the few clothes I had in there. I got my make-up bag from the shelf and looked to check everything was in there. I saw my razors just sitting in the bottom of the bag. I looked down at my arm and realised I'd need to cover it, so I put on my Bring Me The Horizon, Blood On The Dance Floor and Black Veil Brides wristbands. I started taking down the posters I had and saw the words they had hidden. Girls would come into my room while I wasn't there and write things like 'worthless' and 'freak' on the walls. I sighed and kept taking down the posters when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see Vic standing there, sadness in his eye.

"Sophie, what are these...", he said, pointing towards the writing on the walls. I sighed and looked down at the ground.

"The girls would come into my room and write things on the walls while I wasn't here. I put posters everywhere to cover the words", I said, still looking down. I was shocked when I felt two arms wrap around me. I hugged back and tried my hardest not to cry.

"So, wanna help me take down these posters?"

"Sure", Vic said, looking around the room at the different bands all over the walls. We finished and I carefully put them in my bag. We walked back out to where the rest of the guys were. I gave them a small smile, said bye to Justine, and we walked out to there car.

The drive there was silent. Not like an awkward silence, it was a nice silence. Finally Jaime broke the silence.

 "So Sophie, how old are you?"

"14, my birthday's on the 24th of June." Then I realised what the date was, the 20th of June... it's my birthday soon, oh yay...

We finally arrived to the house. I looked up at the house, whoa... it's big. I awkwardly followed the guys inside.

"want me to show you where your room is?", Vic said, turning around from where he'd put his keys. I just nodded and followed him up the stairs. We got to a massive room with a double bed, black carpet, purple walls, a desk in the corner next to a window with a brand new laptop, iphone and ipod. There was a massive walk-in closet and my own bathroom. I stood there in amazement.

"You didn't have to...."

"Anything for my little girl", Vic said smiling, then pulled me into a big bear hug. I smiled and hugged him back. I pulled away and then it hit me. What if they don't like me after a while? What if they send me back? I shook that thought from my head.

I'm gonna unpack my things, I'll be down later." Vic nodded and walked out of the room. I got my backpack and got out my stuff and sat it on the bed. I put my posters up and put the few clothes I had in the closet. Once I was finally satisfied with how the room looked, I walked down stairs and into the lounge where everyone else was. I sat down on the couch between Vic and Tony.

"Sophie, I think we need to take you shopping, you don't have much clothes", Vic said, turning to look at me.

"No, it's fine. You've already given me enough."

"Too bad, let's go!", and with that everyone was running to the car. I rolled my eyes and chuckled before walking out to the car.

We finally got to the mall. We parked the car and got out.

"So, where to first?", Vic asked. I smirked and yelled "HOT TOPIC!!"

"Gee calm down!", Mike said, laughing at my craziness. We walked into Hot Topic and I ran straight to the shirts. I ended up getting Black Veil Brides, Blood On The Dance Floor, Bring Me The Horizon and Sleeping With Sirens shirts, five pairs of skinny jeans and a few pairs of shorts, and some wristbands.

"How about McDonald's for dinner?", Tony suggested. We all nodded in agreement and drove to the closest Macca's. The guys ordered their food while I just went and sat at a table. I don't eat much, mainly because of the girls at the orphanage. The guys walked over and Tony looked at me with a worried expression.

"Why aren't you eating?", Tony asked. I looked down.

I'm just not hungry", I replied, not looking up. He mumbled an ok and ate. Once they were finished we finally got home. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10 already.

"I'm gonna go to bed, I'm tired", I mumbled, and started walking up the stairs. I could hear the guys saying good night behind me. I walked into my bedroom, changed into my pj's and climbed into the giant bed. I was just about asleep when someone sat on the bed next t me. I turned around to see Vic, he looked worried.

"Sophie, do you starve yourself?", he said, a look of sadness in his eyes. I sighed and looked down.

"The girls at the orphanage will always call me fat, and I started believing it, so I stopped eating..." I looked up at Vic. He opened his arms for a hug and I quickly moved over to him and hugged him tight.

"Pease start eating, for me, for the rest of the guys", he said into my hair.

"I'll try", I said and pulled away. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight, then left back out to the other guys. For the first time in years I felt wanted, like someone actually cared about me. I soon fell asleep happy, for the first time in ages.

Adopted by Pierce The Veil!? (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now