Chapter Six

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August 24,2016 11:35pm

"He doesn't know." Yoongi said into the phone on the other line was his father "what do you mean he doesn't know?" Yoongi sighed and repeated himself again for the third time that night Jimin doesn't know he has powers this just made his job even more complicated than it needed to be Yoongi wanted to quit and go back to his job before and be with his men the college life just wasn't for him. "Well then how do you expect me to handle it you're the one that's supposed to work with him this just makes it even better." Yoongi was listening but wasn't really hearing what his father was saying "what do you mean even better the kid doesn't know he has pow-." "Well my son if you knew better you would see this as an opportunity if the boy doesn't know he has power's then it makes your job a little easier Yoongi you can teach him turn him against his parent."

Yoongi repeated the words in his mind running them over and over seeing his fathers plan and smirking to himself when he realized how ingenious it was but also the downfalls "what if he doesn't believe me?' "then make him believe we all know how manipulative you can really be Yoongi don't play dumb do I have to remind you of what you did to poor little Tae-"" Yoongi hung up not wanting to hear the name his father was going to say dreadful memories would soon ensure.

To take his mind off the past Yoongi looked towards the future grabbing his laptop and turning it on the harsh light of his screen was irritating but soon subsided as he clicked on the audio of the young man he was supposed to be watching seeing as how Jimin was just laying in bed on his phone Yoongi small body wrapped in a heavy blanket he was about to turn off the device when Yoongi heard Jimin answer his phone "I need you could you please come over I don't want to be alone tonight." Yoongi sprang up who could Jimin be talking to he didn't know anyone at least that's what his parents said in the file on Jimin they gave him while racking his brain and the file for any information Yoongi heard a knock across the hall he rushed back to his computer to see a head of blonde hair "No way" Yoongi couldn't believe it Jimin was hanging out with death himself he watched perplexed when Jimin opened the door and jumped into the arms of darkness.

"Namjoon I think there is something seriously wrong with me I went swimming and then almost drowned then some hot guy saved m-." Namjoon put his hands on Jimin's face as he sat him on the bed shushing the over talkative man in front of him "Jimin clam down and tell me again but slowly this time okay" he brushed the hair that's was messily placed on Jimin's head back the younger seemed to relax and comply "I went for a swim today" Jimin started off slowly and Yoongi watched a flame flickering in between his entwined fingers he just stared as he Jimin told Namjoon everything form the dancing water to the ho- "wait a second did he just call me hot the flames burned brighter as his cheeks grew hot as well "His skin was practically on fire that's how hot he was and he grabbed me out of the water I would say he saved my life but I don't really think I was actually drowning now that I think about it that's strange right I'm crazy aren't I?"

The flames extinguished, and his blush went away completely of courses Jimin would calm him hot his internal temperature was one hundred and one degrees so he would run a little on the warm side Yoongi thought as he listen t what Namjoon said about Jimin not being crazy and that he was probably just stressed out about starting school tomorrow Jimin laid down shaking his head okay Namjoon was getting ready to leave dropping a kiss on Jimin's head before a small hand reached for his arm "stay please I don't want to be alone." Jimin scooted over lifting the thick blanket for Namjoon to get under Namjoon said of course and took off is shoes and t-shirt getting in right behind a glossy eyed Jimin wrapping his arm around his small frame and pulled him flush against his chest.

Yoongi sat frozen on his bed was this Jimin's boyfriend his parents didn't say anything about a boyfriend but then again, they probably didn't know seeing as how they couldn't even tell their son he was the heir to the water clan.

As Yoongi continued to look at the cuddling boys in front of him about to lay down himself when he say Namjoon get up and a already asleep Jimin fuss on the bed he watched as Namjoon stood over Jimin's sleeping body and lean over face just inches away from the boys he licked his lips he placed his on top of the plump ones before him and closed his eyes Yoongi felt uncomfortable watching but also thinking why didn't he kiss Jimin when he was awake till he saw the faint light glow on the tattoo of the skull and crossbones on Namjoon's back he watch as he pulled back and silver or a misty glow left Jimin's lips and entered Namjoon's groaning in satisfaction he laid back down.

"Tasty as always."

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