Chapter Nineteen

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September 8, 2016 6:15pm

(Jimin waking up)

When Jimin woke up that evening curled in on himself on the floor of his dorm room. His body felt sore and when he took a deep breath his lungs felt like they were on fire. Jimin stood on shaky legs and made his way to his bed his head was fuzzy the last thing he could remember was yelling at Namjoon because he was freaking out about Yoongi being over there and he snapped. Jimin felt his spine tingle and his mind went blank he heard nothing but white noise he could feel his body being lifted in the air and strong cold like straps holding him in place.

Jimin laid in bed as more of what happened came back to him he swore he heard Yoongi's voice but couldn't remember why. Jimin was drifting to sleep some five minuets before he heard Yoongi yell then Namjoon speaking loudly as well Jimin got out of bed he tip toed his way next door body shivering with anticipation. He leaned against the door frame and listened to the conversation held between the two "Jimin will save us" he heard "save us?" Jimin didn't understand. Yoongi and Namjoon were talking about him how could he save anyone it just didn't make since Namjoon was lying his parents would have told him if he had powers or anything. "A thousand years?" Jimin couldn't listen anymore this was way to crazy to even be true, but he had doubts he did control water with his mind some days ago and just yesterday protecting Yoongi from falling maybe just maybe Namjoon could be telling the truth. So Jimin went back to his room and grabbed his phone and called his mother she would never lie to him he was her baby boy.

He called but the phone continued to ring with no answer "Sorry I missed your call if you leave your name and number after the beep I will gladly call you back  another time. Beep." The voicemail was what picked up so he tried again and still no answer, so he left a message "Hi mom it's me Jimin of course you already know that since you have caller ID. "Sigh". Uhm I was hoping you would answer the phone, but I have a question. Mom what's wrong with me I -I think I can control water. I'm crazy right its not true because you would have told me if I could, right?" Jimin paused and took another deep breath tears were building them selves up and ready to fall at the drop of a hat. "Mom is there – do you want to tell me something... I need to hear it from you call me back." Jimin hung up the tears he didn't want to fall fell anyways.

Jimin cried hard hand over his mouth and fingers digging into his thighs leaving deep indentations he hugged himself tight and let his sobs carry him to sleep.

When Jimin woke up that morning his body felt like he had been hit with a truck his hips popped when he unraveled himself and his shoulders ached along with his neck and back. The sun was out he could see from the rimmed light coming from his curtains. Jimin looked to his ceiling the sunlight from outside was hitting the glass on his ceiling fan the light casted his walls like a rainbow and it was beautiful when he turned to sit up he almost jumped out of his skin when he saw someone sitting on one of his kitchen chairs staring straight at him.  Jimin blinked and rubbed his eyes not sure if maybe he was mistaken and there wasn't actually someone sitting there. But when he opened his eyes again and reached over to turn on his lamp and looked back he couldn't believe his eyes when he sees a woman sitting there.


Author Note: 

This book is almost over, but I do have the sequel coming out once this first book is finished.

  Should I finish this book then write something else finish that then start the second installment? "tsk" decisions.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this story like I am.

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