Chapter Eighteen

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September 8,2016 4:30pm

Yoongi couldn't get out what he wanted to say to Jimin Namjoon interrupted as usual the moment he walked through the door he had Jimin's full attention it was almost as if he wasn't in the room they were arguing over him and it made the whole situation uncomfortable. Yoongi left soon after to shower and clean his dorm when he got down with his last piece of equipment he listened for Jimin and Namjoon but heard nothing it was eerily quiet, so they must have left, so Yoongi took this time to retrieve his cameras he walked over to Jimin's room tapping on the door lightly just incase they were there but just quietly talking.

Yoongi heard nothing in reply so he turned the knob the door was unlocked which would have been weird if he didn't remember Jimin never locked his door when he was with Namjoon.

The door made a small groaning noise as Yoongi pushed it open everything seemed off Jimin's room was dark but not the usual dark it seems that Jimin's room was shrouded in its own darkness  "Mhm." The moan made Yoongi stop and scrunch his face eyes and body looking for heat signatures but he felt and saw nothing. "Mhm." Yoongi heard it again except this time it sounded desperate sparks ignited in the air so Yoongi could gather enough light to see what was going on. What he saw made his stomach churn Namjoon had Jimin floating in midair pure black what looked like tentacles wrapped around his body and stopped short just at his shoulders Namjoon floated in front of him shirtless with inky black spikes sprouting from his spine.

Yoongi got closer he could see Jimin's eyes were completely white and his face seemed devoid of any emotions as Namjoon had his lips on Jimin's his fingers digging into Jimin's throat as his hands wrapped around and squeezed tight he was sure were going to leave crescent marks on his soft flesh. Namjoon moaned again and Jimin jerked back. Yoongi reacted he heated up the entire room till the tendrils around the room started to shrink back into Namjoon's back the lights in the room started to get brighter, but Namjoon wasn't letting Jimin go and it looked like he was trying to suck the soul right from his body and Yoongi couldn't have that.

His body acted before his mind could Yoongi's hands lit on fire as he ran towards Namjoon his hot skin touched the cold one before him sizzling on contact Namjoon yelled no as Yoongi tackled him to the bed and Jimin fell to the floor unconscious.

Yoongi wrapped his burning hands around Namjoon's neck as he sat on his chest Namjoon didn't fight back he just stared ahead "You have let his powers awaken bearer of fire his time as come." Namjoon spoke voice set in a garbled tone as if multiple voices were speaking through him at once. "What are you talking about?" Yoongi yelled the action seemed to make Namjoon snap out of his crazed trance. "What are you doing?" He tried to push Yoongi off looking around the room in confusion he looked down to see Jimin "Jimin w-what is going on, why is he on the ground, what did you do?" Namjoon shot up and Yoongi fell with a grunt 'Jimin." No reply Namjoon look to Yoongi "What happened, why is he unconscious?" Namjoon stood eyes turning dark and the room turned cold Yoongi could see his breath his instinct kicked in and set his body ablaze to keep warm. "Why is he on the ground?" Namjoon asked again taking threatening steps towards Yoongi "You did this to him, you were draining him." Yoongi stood in his spot. "You were killing him I had to stop you." Yoongi spoke calmly Jimin stirred on the ground "Yoongi." Jimin whispered into the air then cuddled in on himself. "Why don't we take this conversation somewhere else.

Yoongi lead Namjoon to his room and closed the door behind him once locked he turned slowly and in quick steps charged for Namjoon throwing him against the wall and holding him there by his neck with his forearm "What the hell was that?" Yoongi asked a threat lingering in his tone it was only a breath before Namjoon answered. "Jimin- Jimin is important." Namjoon stuttered out hands grabbing at Yoongi's arm to push him away. "What does that even mean stop fucking with me and tell me the truth I need to know what's going on." Yoongi yelled in Namjoon's face "J-Jimin will b-be the one t-to save u-us." Namjoon breathlessly worded Yoongi stepped back and Namjoon caught his breath "Jimin will save us what do you mean?" "I mean Jimin will save us from a war that's coming, what I was doing in there was saving him." Yoongi looked up at that "Saving him how, you were draining him of his life-." "No -no I wasn't, I only drain -do that to him when his powers emerge its too much he can't control it." Yoongi stood still everything Namjoon just said hit him full force he was trying to rack his brain around what he just said before he spoke again. "Jimin will lead all those with powers back to the heavens I am his servant I was born to protect him." Namjoon and Yoongi sat down.

"Thousands of years ago I was born with a mission to protect Park Jimin every day I waited for him I almost gave up until twenty years ago he was born so I waited and watched from afar as he grew up seeing as we are from different families. I waited until he came of age to get his powers before I became his best friend." "Wait -wait a minuet are you sure you have the right person because until recently he hasn't shown any development in gaining his powers." Yoongi said stopping Namjoon mid-sentence. "Yes, its him I've spent a thousand years with his face etched into my memory I think I would know, can I continue if your done interrupting." Yoongi nodded his head in answer. "Anyways, Jimin was supposed to get his powers way earlier but I got a vision of the impending war ahead, so I made the decision to stop it before it started I was feeding from him only to keep his powers at bay I never took more than was needed. With what had happened. I don't know what came over me I just remember him yelling and I could see the anger on his face he attacked me with his powers im pretty sure he doesn't know what he is doing and my powers just reacted he isn't hurt or anything I can still feel his life force and its pretty powerful."

Yoongi stood up and walked to the kitchen he grabbed two beers and opened them he walked back to the bed and sat down handed one of the beers to Namjoon as he took a large swallow "What does that mean." Yoongi asked.

"I don't even really know." Namjoon answered 

Author's Note: This chapter is long and with the next three ill be updating soon, but not to soon are my favorites all my creativity went into this story even if it isn't that  good like the other authors on here I enjoy it and I hope you guys do also.

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