Chapter 4: The Battle for Truth

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Attention, a system error has accord. Terminate all activities immediately and evacuate the dome until safe conditions are reestablished and verified. 

Jacob arrived at the Facility, the others arrived as well, with their guns ready, and ran to the door.

Angela went in first, followed by Annabelle, Leon, and Jacob. They look around with their guns ready. Then Leon walks out to the terminal and pulls up the escape route. 

Then the others look as well, "Looks like the other buildings are a block off." Leon states. "Let's split up, we can meet again in the inner garden," Angela informs him.

He nods. "Jacob you go with Leon, I'll go with Angela," Annabelle informs him, he looks at her and nods. "Alright." he agrees and the two women looked at each other. "Let's go," Angela tells her, she nods and they both went running off. "Angela." Jacob calls out, they both stop and look at him, "You're not alone, we're all doing this together." he tells her.

She nods at him "I know." she answers as Leon walks to them, gripping Annabelle by her waist, Leon glares down at his girlfriend with want and hunger "Come here." he mutters and he pulls her right in and slams his lips right onto hers, she gasps at this sudden action as Jacob smirks to himself. 

Leon pulls back, both of them panting as he looks at his girlfriend with want and hunger, but looks at her flushed red face as she was really confused about why he did that, "Promise you'll come back to me." he tells her.

She smiling genuinely at him, she simply nods her head at him. He nods back "Always." she mutters at him. He nods back at her, stepping back to Jacob, her hand slips through his and she steps back to Angela and they both took off down the hall. 

Jacob steps next to Leon and looks at him, "You've been dying to do that all day haven't you?" he teases and Leon looks at him, "Let's move Tate." he orders, Jacob chuckles and follows after him.


The Elevator opens for the agents as they aimed their guns at the damaged hallway, they exchanged looks and walk down the hallways, looking from both one room to another.

They didn't see anyone or any zombies, then Jacob pat's Leon's shoulder, Leon looks at him as he points at the elevator, he looks over and saw that the button was flashing. 

The two nodded and walk to the elevator and Leon went to press the button, but then they both heard something moves behind them. 

They both look over and aimed their guns and saw that it was just Claire. "Leon, Jacob," she mutters at them, Jacob lowers his gun as he quickly walks over to her and helps her stand, putting away his gun. 

Leon walks over to them, checking the halls as Jacob gently sets Claire down on the ground. "What happened? Where's Frederick?" Leon asks as he too places his gun away and leans down in front of her, "He was telling me about a time-bomb down in level four, when---" she then stops, grunting in pain

They both look down at her leg as it was bandaged up. "That's a nasty wound, let's get you out of here," Leon tells her as he went to help her, but she smacks his hands away. "I'm alright, listen to me!" she snaps at him. 

Jacob tore off some of his jackets and wraps it around her leg. "I'm alright listening to me! Curtis was here! I saw him, He came out of level four where the G-virus was kept." she warns him. Then gasp in pain as Jacob tightens the cloth on her leg


Angela and Annabelle were down in the inner garden as they held their guns, looking around for any signs of movement. They step over the rumble then stop as they saw an open case and an injector of the G-virus. 

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