The Love Untold

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While I'm at the cafe
I can't stop thinking
From what matters most

All I can hear is your voice
Your loud laughs
And the way you say my name

It's so perfect
Like the coffee I sipped
Like the cake I ate

It was like a dream
Everytime we've met
Like the stars keep on glowing and blinking

That was everytime
We were having bonds
I always feel the wind, a soft wind

Ahhh, it's so unusual
That I can feel my heart pounding
Almost bouncing from this kind of feeling

I always end up kidding
For you not to feel uneasy
Coz I know, or maybe, this will be unworthy

So let's just say
I fell in love with you
But I'd rather not to say, for us not to end this kind of way

Friends? Colleagues or anything matters most,
That you won't feel anything rough-hewn
And that we can stay together, ignoring the fact that,

I loved you, and still in love with you.
I care for you.
This is all I know.

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