━━ chapter four.

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THE THREE INDIVIDUALS shifted past several citizens, seeing as the city was having a celebration in honour of the Grandmaster's champion, Hulk. Bewildered by the celebration of his alter ego and the fact he is on a foreign planet, Bruce Banner continued to panic. He was not getting enough blood circulation throughout his body due to wearing Tony Stark's clothes, which they found in the quinjet. Why would Stark wear pants too tight, Bruce will never know.

Astrid covered her mouth with a piece of torn cloth she "borrowed" from a passed out Sakaarian. After the announcement made by the Grandmaster, the three of them were trying to not draw attention to themselves. Staying close to Thor and Bruce, they manoeuvred their way through the crowd. Being stained with green powder, as people threw powder in the air. Noticing someone was not next to her, Astrid looked next to her on her left and right, seeing as she was separated from Thor and Banner.

"Dammit." she cursed, tying the cloth at the back of her head tightly, hiding the lower half of her face. She kept a hand on one of her daggers in one of the scabbards around her waist. Her boots covered in sand and green powder. She edged around several alleys, preventing herself from being spotted by the Grandmaster's guards. Someone grabbed her by the elbow, as she flinched around. Her dagger in her hand, as she positioned it across the individual's neck. She saw the fear in the man's eyes only to realise it was Banner.

"It's me!" he held up his hands in defence. She pulled back her dagger, sheathing it back in its scabbard.

"Where's Thor?" she asked him.

"I don't know." Banner answered her. Just a few seconds later, Thor appeared from somewhere in the crowd, approaching Astrid and Banner.

"Come on. We need to stick together." Thor told them, making Astrid roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Well, who made you leader?" Astrid scoffed.

"Um well seeing as I'm the God of Thunder and the Prince of Asgard, the kingdom you were born in, technically I'm the boss of you." He began to smirk.

"Asgard hasn't been my home since I was a little girl. I have no home." Astrid muttered, brushing past Thor.

"Then why did you agree to help me?" Thor asked her.

"Because...I don't know. A sense of duty?" Astrid shrugged.

Let's get going." Thor nodded. Astrid agreed as the three of them headed deeper into the crowd.


THE FAMILIAR GAZE caught Astrid's attention, causing her to separate from Thor and Bruce. Walking through the alley way, Thor noticed Astrid diverging from the path before he began calling out to her.

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