Chapter 3

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    A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow

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A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow. - William Shakespeare



It's been two weeks since I meet May. We've got along great and we tell each other everything. She knows all about my past and I know hers. It's like we were supposed to meet. She's become like a sister to me. Todays the day we're suppose to go shopping. Don't get me wrong am not a girl that enjoys shopping I just happen to not hate it. Shopping really not that bad as long as your getting things for yourself. Now, buying for others eh, not my cup of tea.

I liked buying for myself and plus I really need to go shopping. The clothes I have right now aren't in style considering I haven't gone shopping in ages. So May convinced me that it was a good idea to go shopping. She said and I quote "You're great but your clothes aren't." I've noticed she voices her opinion quite a lot. To some, it could be considered annoying but I think it's refreshing. I know she's a vampire but she's my little ray of sunshine. She's my first true best friend and I wouldn't replace her for the world. I know it's only been two weeks but so much has changed. Who knew one person could change your life so much.

These past two weeks I've been helping her with her drinking. Not the alcohol kind but the blood kind. It's completely different.

Now, since she's a vamp she can't stop drinking blood all together but there are some solutions. The first one we tried was drinking animal blood but believe it or not she couldn't kill an animal. Apparently, she wasn't heartless. Or at least that's what she told me when I came home with a bunny from the pet store.

So after that colossal waste of my time, we moved on to the next decision. She would have to steal blood bags from hospitals. The more I think about it the more I hate the idea but what would the world be without the Easter bunny. I told her to only steal blood that wasn't a rare type and to steal from different places so their stock wasn't too low on any type of blood.

She seems to be getting control of her hungry. She has bad days like everyone but I know she can handle it. Her life before becoming a vampire wasn't easy. She told me her parents died and their killer was never found. Since their death she was moved back and forth between foster houses, never finding the right place to call home. After, years of moving around she ran away and then was turned into a vampire. She's been living on her own ever since.

I guess am a big softie because her story just breaks my heart. Thinking about it I want to give her a hug. She deserves so much more in life.

The house she picked out is beautiful. I learned that she had been staying here for a little over a month. She also told me she never stays in one spot for long. I asked her if she wanted to tag along with me and she agreed. We plan to stay a day or two then head on to the next place.

I hear a loud crash to my left and I snap my head over toward where the sound came from. It looks like a picture frame fell off the wall. I walk over to it and bend down. I pick it up and see a picture of what looks to be a family. There's an older looking man with a little girl on his shoulder and a women looking up at them smiling. I realized it was probably one of the families that lived here at one time. I smile sadly at the photo and wonder what happened to them.

"Hey, Jess. You ready to go?" May shouts.

"Yes. And ow sensitive hearing." I reply, rubbing my ear closest to her while putting the picture frame back on the wall. I turn toward her and she gives me a cheeky smile and shrugs her shoulders. I roll my eyes and gently push her towards the door.

"I'll go get Dave." I say and she shakes her head no. I look at her confused and she says "follow me." She turns around and walks over toward a part of the house that I've never been too. I follow her but very cautiously. I don't know what she has up her sleeve but I know I'm probably not going to like it. She walks to a garage door and pulls it open. May motions me over with her hands and I walk over and peek inside.

All kinds of different cars are lined up all in different colors. I don't know much about cars but these had to be expensive. May gets into a red Camaro. I follow her and get into the passenger seat.

"Ready?" she asks with a smile. I smile too and nod my head yes. She starts the engine and pulls out unto the road. We drive for a little bit and talk about random things until she pulls into a mall.

May parks then turns to me and says "You ready?" "You already asked me that.." I say with a laugh. She shakes her head at me and says "the sass is real. Now get out." "Bossy" I mumble. "What was that" she asks with her hands on her hips "nothing" I replied. She laughs and I link our arms and start to pull her toward the entrance. "Someones eager" I look at her and say "it's our first shopping trip together, I'm excited." "This is just the first to many trips we'll have" She says. "You mean that?" I ask hoping she would be in my life for a really long time. "Yeah" she says with no hesitation.

The first shop we went into was Victoria Secret. It's expensive but it has a lot of cute stuff. I've never actually bought anything from here but there's a first time for everything.

May picked up a lingerie set and wiggled her eyebrows at me. I'm guessing I laughed a little too loud because the lady at the cashier shot me a glare. May rolled her eyes and I suppressed a giggle. After a little bit May and I went to check out. I ended up getting three sets of bras and underwear May, on the other hand, got five sets.

"So, what's next" I ask May. She sighs and says "I don't know about you.." she pauses for dramatic effect then says "but I'm feeling 22."

"Ah T Swift, you know I was there when she was born." I say. "You were not!" May exclaims uncertain. I shrug my shoulders and May scoffs. "How about we go to the food court?" She suggests. "I'm down if your down." I say playfully wiggling my eyebrows like she did in Victoria Secret. "Oh I'm down" she says.

We make our way to the food court and look for a table. We walked around for the longest time and realized all the tables were taken. I looked over to May and I saw her walking over to a table. There was a guy and a girl sitting at the table. It looked like maybe they were on a date. All the sudden they both quickly got up from their table and left without looking back.

"Hey, Jess I found us a table." May shouts. I walk over to her and give her a look. "What?" May says. I shake my head and say "nothing, go get us some food." She salutes and says "yes sir" then vampire speeds away.

While I waited for her to get back I pulled out my phone and played random games. I played for a couple of minutes until I felt the urge to look up. My eyes locked with another pair of eyes. When he saw me looking his eyes narrowed. He gently tilted his head to the side looking at me. Then I saw his eyes turn black and in that moment it felt like he was looking through me. I saw him clench his jaw then not even a second later he was gone. All that was left was a trail of black smoke.

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