7. Kidnapped

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The story will start with Amethyst's PoV....mmmm, yeah, nothing much to say....


Oh yeah, he's still finding it. Anyway, since nothing's on, on with the story!

Amethyst's PoV

Dad kept on eyeing Brian suspiciously.

We walked through the woods, not having a proper destination. Finally we cane across a clearing.

"Lets set camp out here." Sky suggested. No one disagreed.

We made a cottage out of wood where all of us could fit in. Also, we had made a campfire.

Right now, we were sitting in a loose circle around it. The moans of the zombies were heard in a distance.

Dad broke the silence. "So Brian, mind telling us about your parents?" He asked. What was bothering him the whole time??

"Okay. I was born somewhere far away from here. My mom excelled at crafting, and she taught me about it. My Dad was usually somewhere else, exploring caves and such. He was hardly home, and I have only seen him a couple of times....
Then one day, a man with white eyes came a-and......." He trailed off.

"You don't have to say if you don't want, dood." Deadlox said. Brian shook his head and took a deep breath.

"He killed my mom. Burned the whole village down." Some gasps where heard.

Dad was looking thoughtful. "Could your mother's name be Isabella?" Confusion was written all over Brian's face. "Yeah, how do you know?"

A grin spread across Dad's face. "Because I'm your father, Brian." Say what?! Wait.... thats why he seemed familiar... All of our jaws dropped.

At first Brian was surprised, but it quickly turned into anger. Without a word, he stormed off into the woods. Only the crackle of the fire could be heard for a few ticks.

"I'll follow him." I said as I stood up and did what I said.

I found him quickly enough. He was sitting against a tree, his head buried in his arms. I sat down beside him.

"Hey, you alright?" He didn't answer, which made me sigh. "At least you know your dad." I said without looking at him.

He looked at me. "I thought Steve was your dad." I shook my head. "No, he's just my adopted father. He isn't my biological father. I don't know who my real father is."

We stared off into space. "Well, I think its time to go back." He nodded and we stood up.

We were going back when Jerome ran into us. He had a really worried expression.

"What happened?" I asked worried.

"Deadlox. Kidnapped." After hearing this, I ran back to where the others were. The cottage had burned down.

Dad came over. "Thank Notch you guys are okay." But Brian took a step behind.

"Like you actually meant it." He said and went over to where Sky and the others were. I glanced at dad before following him.

"Hey guys! Have you......" Benja, said, but he got the answer from the worried look on my face.

"What happened?" I asked. "Zombies." Husky answered. "You lost to zombies?!"

"Not just some zombies, they were pretty smart." MU said. I crossed my arms. "Explain."

"After you guys went to the forest, We went back in to make the beds. Then we heard someone yell help, so some of us rushed outside. Only zombies could be seen, and the were a lot. We were fighting off the zombies then someone, or something, started a flame, and the cottage burned down." He finished.

"Who took him?" Brian asked.

"Its got to be Herobrine. Who else would do such a thing?" Seto said. Everyone looked to dad. "What?"

"You're the know it all." We explained.

Then Mudkip, who was one of those strong non-believers, stepped out. "Who said that Herobrine's real?" He faced dad. "You even said that he isn't real."

Dad shrugged. "We didn't want the paparazzi after us. Since he lives in the Nether, we need to find or make a nether portal. Fortunately, there's one near here that leads right to his castle."

"Lets do dis!" Sky yelled. A cheer went up, all the seriousness lost.

* A day ago *

Third person's PoV

A figure stood in the shadows, leaning against a tree. Only the edges of his scarf could be seen.

Then a hooded figure came running over. He skidded to a stop. "What was it that you wanted with me again?"

"I want you to cast a certain spell on Herobrine and his daughter, Amethyst." The one in the shadows ( lets call him/her/it shadow for now ) said.

"That would cost a lot. How much are you willing?"

Shadow held up a bag. The hooded figure took it and checked inside. It was filled with diamonds.

"Deal." They both nodded.

"Remember, at the Nether castle." Shadow said and walked away.

Hiiiii! Anyway, there's the mystery people........ It might or might not be a character that has already appeared.

Derek : You're evil.

Oh you're back already? And yeah, I know. I like cliffhangers and plot twists. Thats my style.

Next chapter : Secret revealed

Derek : I dare you to do gangnam style in front of the others without saying a thing about this dare.

Hey! We aren't playing truth or dare right now!

Derek : A dare's a dare. Do it.


Derek : Just do it. Its getting boring.

Fine........ *teleports to where they are, and does it in front of the others right before they walked through the portal *

Bajancanadian : ".......what was that?"

HuskyMudkipz : "Probably just a hack"

* teleports back * Just. Embarrassing.

Derek : Hehehe. Twinkle as bright as the north star! No matter what happens!

Hey! thats my line! Wait, I got the last word! O-

Derek : Out!


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