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  Once upon a time in a far away land...

(Hold it.... hold it right there when did I agree to wear a dress? I never said that I could wear one but you gave me one anyway... Ryuji stop complaining and start preparing, your part is coming up)

Anyways ... Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom, peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. Here, in a stately chateau, there lived a widowed gentleman and his son, Ryuji. Although he was a kind and devoted father, he gave his beloved child every luxury and comfort, still, he felt he needed a mother's care...

(Woah.... woah... I already have a mother... I don't need a step mother... *glares* are you going to interrupt every two seconds or you going to continue on with the story)

...And so, he married again, choosing for his second wife a woman named Ohya with two children just Ryuji's age, and by the name of Akechi and Sae. It was upon the untimely death of this good man however that the stepmother's true nature was revealed. Cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous of Ryuji's charm...

(I have charm?... I don't think so, I crashed and burned with all those girls when we went to the beach and when we went on the Hawaii trip. Ryuji you set off the gaydar... What are you talking about I'm totally straight. Keep telling yourself that honey and how about you use your charm on Akira and see where that gets you Ryuji...Haha you got flustered)

...and beauty, she was grimly determined to forward the interests of her own awkward son and daughter. Thus, as time went by, the chateau fell into disrepair. For the family fortunes were squandered upon the vain and selfish stepbrother and stepsister while Ryuji was abused, humiliated, and finally forced to become a servant in his own house. And yet, through it all, Ryuji remained ever gentle and kind...

(Gentle and kind? Who said I was gentle and kind? makes me laugh so hard.... Ryuji!!! What did I say about interrupting?)

...For with each dawn, he found new hope that someday his dreams of happiness would come true.

Our story begins in the quiet atmosphere of Ryuji's bedroom where he currently sleeps peacefully. As we look at him sleeping, you could see how run down everything in the room looks from the old dresser to the old bed. The window slowly creak open as the little birdies fly in ready to wake him from his slumber.

"Hey Ryuji,hey Ryuji!!!" The birds chirp right into his ears. He is still asleep like a baby after that whole chant so they continue to chirp and chant, "wake up Ryuji, hey Ryuji!!"

He starts to stir in his sleep. Waking up in a hurry, he freaked out as he looked at the birds and said, "Huh? You guys are here too birds; where are we?"

(You had to bring in my old track team you just had to bring them in, they hate me for what happened.... Ryuji seriously for the sake of my sanity can you cool it with the complaining.)

on with the story shall we..."Ryuji, Ryuji today is such a beautiful day" the birds chirped happily. He looked outside and couldn't help but be a little frustrated from being woken up from his dream. Before he could get back to the sweet sweet look of... the music started playing. He looked at the birds weirdly as his mouth started singing involuntarily.

"A dream is a wish... your heart makes... when you're fast asleep... in dreams you will lose your heartaches... whatever you wish for, you keep, have faith... in your dreams and someday... your rainbow will come smiling through..." He shut his mouth and stop singing for his own sake. "I'm stopping right there I am no singer!" he said almost laughing.

The alarm bell started blasting a sound indicating the day has now started. "Blasted thing, why don't you shut up and stop ordering me around just like them" he scuffed at the bell. He went to take a bath to get ready for today. The mice and birds lay out clothes for him to wear to start the day. As one of the mice looked around she heard a little mouse calling for help. She ran to get Ryuji as he was getting ready for the day, and screamed to get his attention. "What's wrong Makoto?" He asked. "Follow me we have to save a mouse calling for help!!!" He ran towards the stairs to save the unknown mouse.

Ryuji (another cinderella story)Where stories live. Discover now