How about a punch in the face?

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     Chapter 2

              They drove into the night traveling by all sorts of bright cities, small towns, and eventually countryside. Milly finally fell asleep staring up at the bright full moon. “Miss we have arrived.” Milly let a long loud yawn not yet wanting to open her eyes. She felt the car come to an abrupt stop almost sending her hurling off of the seat. She sat up and groggily rubbed the crust out of her eyes. She smoothed her wild black hair and adjusted her wrinkled clothes. The first thing I’ll do as soon as get into my dorm is change my clothes. Milly thought trying not to think about having the same clothes on as she did yesterday. The chauffeur opened her door and Milly stepped out to an overwhelming sight. The campus was humongous. And the kids were everywhere Milly turned her head. It was giving her a headache already.

              “Miss your father told me to tell you to go straight into the administrative building to talk to the headmaster.” Milly nodded quickly just wanting to hurry and duck inside the building so that she didn’t have unruly kids staring at her. “I’ll be leaving your things inside the office.” Milly nodded for a second time and thanked him before rushing into the building in front of her. She walked inside and looked around. The place was completely spotless and looked almost as expensive as Milly’s house. “Ah you must be the new student.” A woman popped seemingly out of nowhere making Milly jump and nearly shriek in surprise. The woman gave her an odd look saying, “Follow me this way. The headmaster is waiting for you.” Milly followed closely behind the woman as she turned down a hallway to the left. Finally she stopped in front of a large brown door, knocked once, then turned and left without another word. 

          “Come in.” A deep booming voice yelled from inside of the room. Milly timidly turned the doorknob and walked in. She couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t been more nervous. The gruff voice belonged to a short balding man who only came a foot above his desk. Whatever image Milly had of the headmaster had completely shattered at the sight of the awkward looking man. Who would’ve known that such a deep voice would belong to such a weird looking man? “Well close the door and sit down, my girl!” He let out a shrill laugh that almost made the poor girl cover her ears. She hurriedly did as he asked and closed the door and sat down. He cleared his throat and stared at her for a second. Milly tried to not fidget nervously in her seat until he averted his gaze and moved things around on his desk looking for something. He finally found what he was searching for and much to Milly’s surprise pulled out a spectacle and put it over his right eye. Could this day get any weirder? What is up with this guy? The headmaster picked up some papers from his desk and read them for a moment before finally looking back up at Milly.

          “I’m Headmaster Grant. I’m sure you already know Hudson is a school for delinquents.” Milly sat there staring at the headmaster for a long second. Then she started laughing. But it wasn’t your typical fit of giggles laugh. She was laughing hysterically. Seeing the headmaster was just staring at her in open shock instead of laughing too shut her up. He was serious? What the hell? Then she realized that was precisely why her father hadn’t told her what school she was going to. Seeing her laughing fit was over the headmaster said, “I’m sure you’ve heard of Hudson yes? We’re known all over the state for the way we run things.” He said this proudly as if Hudson was a top school for the super filthy rich and not for a bunch of juvenile delinquents. Then it clicked in Milly’s mind. She did know about Hudson. Once in eighth grade when she had gotten into a huge fight on school grounds the principle had threatened to send her to Hudson if she got into one more fight at school. Hudson was infamous all across the state because it treated the delinquents a lot better than at other detention centers. Most delinquents at detention centers would probably kill to get into Hudson. Literally. But why would her father send her here? She had renounced her life of crime once and for all three years ago. As if reading her mind Headmaster Grant said quickly, “Your father and I are old friends. He called me a couple of weeks ago and asked me if I wouldn’t mind taking you in for a while until his trial is over. I agreed because I believe your father is innocent.”

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