Broes before Hoes. Literally.

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                                                                Chapter 4

          When Milly woke up early that morning she was alone in the house. The house was so silent it gave Milly a creepy feeling. In fact she was pretty sure she would’ve woken up if anyone had walked in. She had always been a light sleeper; it was always better to sleep light in case an enemy searching for revenge had found out where she lived and wanted to do harm to her. Or if her dad was trying to sneak downstairs and eat all of the snacks. Plus the house was a death trap and she would bet every penny she owned that all of the people in F Class were loud and rambunctious. Luckily when she had woken up about an hour earlier than she needed to, so she slipped out of her room to search for the bathroom. The shabby bathroom was located downstairs and Milly almost turned around and shut the door. The room reeked and looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in months, possibly years. It reminded her of this motel her and her father were forced to stay the night in after their car broke down. When she had pulled back the shower curtain she had found a large rat nesting in the bath tub. As soon as she had managed to scare it out of the bathroom she quickly closed the door and took the quickest shower she had ever taken, just wanting to leave as soon as she could. She put on her uniform; a gray pleaded shirt and a short sleeved button down shirt, and grabbed her school bag rushing out of the door of the house.

          As soon as she stepped onto the porch she saw a timid man standing in front of the steps as if building up his courage to come up the steps. He looked up surprised to see her standing on the porch and took a step back fearfully. It was almost as if he expected to give him a roundhouse kick to face or something.

She gave him a strange look and said, “Um…can I help you?” The man gave a loud gulp and took a shaky breath. “Y-yes. Are you p-perhaps Miss Mimi Ashe?”, He stuttered, pushing up his square glasses to keep them from sliding down his nose. Milly almost corrected him and said her real name but accidently bit her tongue keeping her from saying anything. She instead winced and nodded her head quickly. She could see he was sweating bullets, even from where she was standing. He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue handkerchief. “I’m Mr. Jenson you’re homeroom teacher. The headmaster sent me to take you to class.” Milly rolled her eyes mentally knowing exactly why the headmaster had sent Mr. Jenson. He wanted to make sure she was going to go to class and not cut. He nervously played with the blue clothe, trying not to look up at the girl. She flashed him her own nervous smile and descended down the stairs towards him. Mr. Jenson looked immensely relieved that Milly wasn’t going to hurt him and turned away from her leading Milly across the campus. He thanked God that he had finally gotten a pretty normal student.

“Well F Class is…” He paused trying to think of something to say. Milly began to worry a bit as the silence dragged on and the teacher could think of nothing positive to say about the class. They left the heavy silence hang in the air until they entered the main building where classes were held. “There are different floors for each class.” Mr. Jenson explained quickly trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere that had settled between the two. “The bottom is F Class and D Class. The next floor is for the B Class and A Class. The top floor is to S Class alone.” On the bottom floor was worse than Milly imagined. She didn’t think that it would be this bad.

She figured that the Class you were in didn’t really have to do with your learning environment. She saw the paint off the walls and lockers were peeling off, and there was writing all over people’s lockers. There was trash seemingly everywhere and many of the hallways lights were busted making the hallway sort of dark and depressing. On top of that it was eerily quiet making Milly have a sense of foreboding. Mr. Jenson led her to the end of the hallway to the very last door and turned to face Milly. “You seem like a normal young girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Just be careful and try not to talk to anyone. Try to be quiet and not attract attention to yourself. That’s what I do. They can smell fear on you like a shark can smell blood from a mile away.” He turned around and Milly almost yelled for him to not open the door. Even the teachers scared of them! Oh, lord help me. I don’t want to die just yet. There’s still so much I haven’t done yet! Like eat flan and sing at a karaoke bar-

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