The tyrant

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                                                                      Chapter 3

              Milly found herself outside of the headmaster’s office sitting on one of the many boring gray chairs that lined the wall. She pinched the bridge of her nose willing the headache that had suddenly come upon her to go away. A few minutes ago there had been a racket in Headmaster Grant’s office and Milly had been sure she had heard the headmaster’s desk flip over and hit the opposite side of the room. The delinquent in his office was none other than the one that Milly had punched in the nose. She now knew the delinquents name was Alec and he was the most feared and deadly delinquent in the school. Apparently some of the rumors were that he had killed a handful of people back in New York and was sent to Juvy. But luckily his parents were rolling in money so they paid off the court and the judge let him off from the detention center and dumped him here. He was constantly in fights and had practically ruled the school ever since he walked into the school grounds. Even the student council wouldn’t do anything to stop him. Well that’s what Roody had told her anyways. It seemed to Milly that Roody was a bit of a drama queen though. 

          He hadn’t seemed that scary when Milly had punched him in the face. Well he had been absolutely terrifying when he was beating the living crap out of Roody. Milly was convinced that if she hadn’t of stopped Alec that he would’ve most definitely killed Roody. But Milly knew if she had been sent back in time she would’ve done the same thing. And to think, all of this commotion over some dumb rumor about heat detecting bullets! It pissed Milly to no end that she had gotten into trouble over something as stupid as that. Plus what type of psycho would want to kill someone over stealing some dumb bullets! Milly blanched. Bullets plus criminal equal’s gun. Ohnononononononononononono. If he was as ruthless as Roody had described him that meant that he would probably shoot her! There was no way she could go against a guy with a gun. Especially a guy who was probably extremely intent on getting revenge in some shape or form. Milly had never gone against a guy with a gun before. She knew a few techniques on how to disarm a person with a gun but that was only for extreme situations. She mostly steered clear of those types of criminals and went for the ones with small knives. Milly felt her throat constrict to where she couldn’t swallow the bile that was rising in her throat. Oh God please strike me down with your holy lighting before that guy comes after me with a gun. Please make it quick and painless. Just then the angry teen kicked open the door to the office with a loud bang. Milly could’ve sworn that she almost peed herself with surprise. She shrunk herself down deep into the seat wishing she could just disappear. She felt his presence towering right next to her not moving.

              Move. Please just leave, Milly chanted over and over again in her conscious mind but he still hadn’t moved a fraction of an inch. Milly built up all of the courage she had left and chanced a quick glance out of the corner of her eye. That was all Alec needed. “You little bitch.” He snarled baring his teeth to Milly like a rabid animal. “Sitting here acting all nonchalant as if nothing happened.” Milly’s mouth fell open as she felt herself pale more, if that was even possible. Now he thought she was pretending to ignore him! “I’ve been demoted to F Class because of this! Do you know how long it took me to get out of that hellhole? I’m-”

“Mimi will please come into my room now?”

          Milly let out a loud breath of air from her lungs. She hadn’t even noticed she had been holding her breath. She stood up quickly and edged around a still very mad delinquent and was in the doorway when she heard Alec growl very low, “You’re gonna regret messing with me you bitch.” Then she was in the room and had slammed the door before she could hear anything else he had to say. Milly looked around the room to see more damage than she had expected. Headmaster Grant’s desk was indeed flipped over and shoved against one of the walls. One of the windows was busted and along with shards of all glass, papers littered the floor. Grant sat in his chair where his desk should’ve been with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. The top of his bald head was such a crimson color Milly half expected it to erupt. “Um Headmaster Grant…are you alright?” She had asked this timidly with her back pressed up against the door just in case he yelled at her to get out and leave him alone. Grant took in a long deep breath before answering her. “Yes.” He said surprisingly calm. “Yes I’m fine. But I’m afraid Alec had a temper tantrum. These things happen sometimes.” He finally lifted himself up and leaned back in his chair staring Milly straight in the eye. “So…you punched Alec in the face? And broke his nose?” Milly flinched. She hadn’t really planned on breaking his nose. All she wanted was for him to get off the poor kid and not murder him. “Yes.”

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