Chapter 15

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I walked back into my bedroom from changing my clothes in the bathroom. Harry propped himself up on his elbows as he watched me enter. The covers had fallen lower on his bare chest and I hoped to god his lower half was still clothed. I made my way over to the bed as Harry pulled the duvet back for me to slip in. It was warm, but goose bumps quickly rose on my skin as a strong arm dragged me closer to Harry's body. There were a few minutes of silence before my mind wondered back to the picture in Harry's flat. My mouth seemed to have a mind of its own, the words tumbling out before I could stop them.

"Who were the people in the photo with you?"

I felt his arm tense tightly round my waist. The subject was obviously something that touched a nerve. My body wriggled round in his hold, our faces close. Harry's curls flopped onto the pillow as we both lay on our sides. His big green eyes stared at me as I felt his warm breath fan over my skin. I was about to tell him not to worry about it, but he quietly spoke.

"My mum and my sister, Jess."

I noted that he and his sister looked nothing alike.

"They're beautiful. Do you see them often?"

He lightly shook his head, his gaze falling away from my face. I could tell something wasn't right. The hurt in his eyes, painfully clear.

"Harry." He slowly rolled his head back. "What happened?"

I patiently waited as he seemed to be divided as what to say.

Harry's POV

No-one had really asked about them before. Bo's blue eyes peered into mine as she waited for me to say something. It may have been the fact alcohol still flowed through my system, giving me the push I needed, but it surprised me when the words fell from my lips.

"M-my dad used to hit my mum." I stuttered.

I watched as her eyes filled with concern.

"I tried to stop him, but I wasn't strong enough."

My eyes squeezed closed at the painful memories. My mum urgently pushing me into my sister's room in a desperate attempt to keep him away from us. I remember sitting on the floor with Jess, my older sister's arms wrapped round me as we tried to block out the sound coming from downstairs.

"But a year later my mum kicked him out, they split up and the beating stopped. That's why I couldn't believe it when Jess started going out with a complete bastard. She used to come home with bruises up her arms and when I asked her about them she would just brush it off saying she had fallen or knocked into something...she told me she loved him."

I looked back to Bo, she had pushed her long hair back from her face. Her beautiful eyes locked on me as I continued to talk.

"Jess brought him home one night."

*Flash back*

I laid back on the sofa, aimlessly flicking through the tv channels trying to find something to watch. But the task left forgotten as I intently listened to the sound of voices in the hall. I turned the volume down attempting to distinguish what they were saying.

"For god sake, just say goodbye and let's go." He demanded.

I heard a dull thump against the wall, my feet instantly moving towards the noise. I found him pulling her towards to door, her wrists held tightly in his hands. Her face displayed pain as tears slipped from her eyes.

"You're hurting me." She whispered.

His head turned in my direction and I swiftly walked forward.

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