"The race "

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Come on Tobey just one race beast said ...i thought for a minute is Pete racing i said they didn't answer IS PETE RACING I SHOUTED yes beast said his sister Anita we broke up years ago okay then ill race yes beast clapped his hands i saw Pete , Pete i shouted he came over are you racing he said well someone have to keep you save i said shacking his head o ye he said well i can take care myself he said i laughed of course you can .
I said we started laughing until Anita came over hugged her little brother he said ill leave you to it he walked away i turned around to go Tobey she called me back i stood my back stood in front of her what i said thank you or looking out for my brother his a good kid that's all i said and walked away i saw dino red Ferrari Anita went up to him and kissed him i could feel my hearth breaking i need to get over her Tobey its time
i heard beast say i got in my truck Pete got in his car 1,2,3 GO Anita shouted i let Pete skip me i drove past dino Maverick called in lier 1 is that you i heard Pete say true the phone I'm just going to ignore that maverick said hey Tobey there's traffic Ahead make a hard right i did i skipped Pete sorry little body i could see him laugh true the window i smiled i turned into an alley way make a hard left maverick said i did i nearly killing a homeless man lier 1 sorry my bad I'm heading for the finish line just one more to pass come on come on i past him YES i shouted i made a drift i got out with my hands in the air screaming yeesss beast Pete maverick came over and high five's me . We went back to the garage we ordered food i ate it. Then a car came it looked red dino .... are you lost i said what why would you say that for he said because you never hear so i figured you must be lost listen Tobey remember that car your dad was building before he did i grimaced at the memory of him dying ye the ford mustang why because i have the parts if you can turn this car into the fastest car going ill give 99 percent i stood there Pete came over   wow man say yes how do I no your not going to double cross us like you did in highschool are you always going to bring that up look Tobey i m not here to fight over something that happened 6years ago hears my card think about it . should i do it  fuck it ill do it . I don't need to think about it ill do it good choice ill bring in the parts . i nodded we shock hands wow man your not actually going to it ye i am we need the money were starting tomorrow show up ore don't your choice i really hope they do of course will show up man ok see you tomorrow

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