New schools

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The two girls walked to their doorm room, it was a long walk, it was a tiring walk "So, any idea on how we can get our headmaster to change his mind about us being here?" Alyssa asked "Nope" Emma replied "And your the one with the ideas on how to get out situations like this" Alyssa moaned "Hey! My peanut brain is currently peanut butter after that lesson! Don't murder me anymore!" Emma rolled her eyes "fine fine" Alyssa replied, not knowing what to say next. They reached their dorm room wich was mainly a white, bage or any light colour since the school decorated their rooms for them
"Great, more studying" Alyssa said as she looked on her little callander that is sat on her desk "Wow, I would hate to be in the same classes as you if you have all these exams" Emma laughed "I know" Alyssa sighed...

-Week skip to now-

The girls got into a limo that was sent down by the school they are going to "Seriously? What's with the candy?" Alyssa asked herself "Who cares?if it's free you better take it all" Emma scoffed her face with different types of treats, like sour gummys, chocolate, penutbutter treats, Jellies and much more "your gonna become a chocolate bar if you keep up like this" Alyssa told Emma "Well, your gonna get.... uhhh, wrinkles if you keep up this attitude" Emma tossed a chocolate in her mouth. Alyssa rolled her eyes "one question" Emma asked "Yeah?" Alyssa responded "Why you upset all of a sudden?" She asked with suspicion "Cause, I just wonder if our parents will be mad, they expect us to go to that school untill we graduate" Alyssa stated "so what? It's not like we are going home to them untill summer right?" Emma put her hand on Alyssa's shoulder. The car stoped intront of a castle "This is a school?" Emma asked "it's unique but it's nice" Alyssa said before the driver opend the door for the two to get out the car. "Welcome to Dragon Fang prep" a woman wearing all smart but casual clothing announced "I'm Principle Lyon and I will show you two around and tell you everything about the school and our rules" The principle announced and the girls nodded in unison "Ok, so this school was built for royalty over 70 years ago and it has been like this since now and we decided to make it a school" she blabbered on "So here are your time tables, Alyssa you have: Music/Singing; Drama and P.E" Alyssa nodded "And Emma you have: Music/Singing; Art design and P.E" Emma nodded as well "Ok so the rules here are:
Be in dorms by 9pm
No food on the sports field or anywhere out of bounds from cafeteria
Have fun" Principle Lyons said "your dorm is up there room 102" the girls got directed up a staircase and they went to go find their dorm without realising they didn't have a key to get in "I'm gonna go ask the principle for the keys, you coming?" Alyssa asked "uhh, I think I will go look around a bit" Emma replied "Ok then, don't get lost" Alyssa walked off...

-Alyssa POV-

I walked away from the dorm room to go find the principle, I turned around a corner then I found my self on the floor "Ouch" I mumbled "I'm so sorry" I looked up and saw a tall guy with Brown curly hair and softly tanned skin "i-it's o-ok" I stumbled, the guy helped me up off the floor "What's your name?" He asked "A-alyssa" I replied "Cute; the name is Bradly, but you can call me Brad if you want to" he winked and walked away. I shook off my daydream and carried on my quest to find tge keys...
(👆That sounds like she is on a real quest ha)

-Emma POV-

'OK Alyssa said not to get lost..... I'm currently so not lost' I thought to my self "Ok I'm lost" I turned a corner and saw an unfamiliar corridor "You ok?" I nodded and turned around "Uhh yeah, just lo--" I stoped and took in this guys appearance of black curly hair; freckles dotted on his face and skin in between softly tanned and pure pale "You lost?" He finished my sentence "yeah" I smirked " I got told not to get lost and look what happens" I laughed a little "where is your dorm room?" He asked "102" I replied "I'll take you there, my dorm is 110, we have the same Corridor" I smiled and started walking "Hey, I didn't get your name" I asked innocently "Oh, Its Cameron, but cause your you, call me Cam, not a lot of people say that cause I'm known for being called Cameron; what's your name?" He asked "Emma" he smiled "Cute name, I've all ways liked the name Emma, truth be told if i was a girl my mom said she will call me Emma" he laughed at the end so did i "Heres your dorm" he smiled "And an angry dorm friend" I whispered

-normal POV-

"You got lost didnt you?" Alyssa asked "yeah, vut tgese coridors are all the same" Emma argued "I'll go now, see ya" he waved "Who was that?" Alyssa asked "Cameron" Emma responded. "Ohhh~" Alyssa sing sang "What!? I bet ya you met a random guy in the corridors when you where looking for the keys" Emma predicted and Alyssa's jaw dropped "what?" Emma asked "How did you know?" Alyssa asked before sitting on her new bed "Just a guess.... WAIT YOU DID MEET SOMEONE DUDNT YOU!?" Emma yelled relising what Alyssa said "Uhh; Lers go to lesson" Alyssa changed the subject "But we don't have first lesson untill 10, its 9:20" Emma said "Yeah and do you know where we are going?" Alyssa asked, Emma shook her head "there you go" Alyssa smirked "Fine then, let's go" Emma said defeated.

-at music class-

"Ok class today we have two new students Alyssa Dawson and Emma Carson" the teacher said. The class fell silent "arnt they the multi-millionaire's daughter's and singers who have been on the top chart for over 25 weeks?" Someone whispered "Yeah they are" another whispered "Ok girls, go pick where you want to sit" the teacher said and the girls looked around the room, Alyssa had her eyes glued to one side of the room and Emma had hers glued to the other, they walked separate ways and sat down, this was unusual since they always sit together. Alyssa was sat next to Brad and Emma sat next to Cameron "Ok class today we will be working in groups, whoever is sat next to you is your partner" the teacher said, the girls looked shocked cause for once they where not sitting together. "Ok so class, you will be creating a sheet of music for next lesson wich is tomorrow and you will be performing it infront of class" the teacher announced and the bell rang the four walked out as one, Brad didn't seem comfortable, nore did Cameron. "What's up?" The girls asked "Nothing" the boy's responded and walked away "Well, that happened" Alyssa said "weird" Emma said suspiciously "Come on, your not a detective, let's go to next lesson, what do you have?" Alyssa asked "Art and design, you?" Emma asked "Drama theatre" Alyssa responded and walked away.

-Alyssa POV at drama-

I walked into drama and was hit by silence "Hello" the teacher said "Hi?" I asked confused "Ok, so tell the class your name and a bit about your self" the teacher announced "Uh, hi im Alyssa Dawson, you might recognise me as 'LyssaLive' of youtube." I announced and the class was still silent "Wait wait wait... why has a multi-millionaires daughter come to a public school like this?" One studebt asked "Ok, uhh.. it's it's long story" I said "did you have to wear posh uniforms?" Another asked "No, can we uhh sto---" I was interrupted "What's it like in a private school?" Another asked "Ok calm down, just stop, I don't need more questions thrown at me" I calmed everyone down "Ok Alyssa, go join that group over there" the teacher pointed at a group of girls in the corner "Hi?" I said "hi" a girl replied "Any experience with drama?" Another girl asked "apart from the fact my mom is an actress and I studied drama for about two years" I folded my arms "Ok, your gonna be the child who moves school and finds it hard to catch up after everything that happend in your past" the girl said....

-Emma POV at art

I walked into class. Yes it's art and when doing art you need to be silent to concentrate but this is the opposite, unless that was the last school where the teachers hated noise. "Hi Miss" I said to the teacher "Ahh, Class this is Emma Carson. Our new student" I waved "You can sit at the back" I found a seat at the back and sat down... the class started drawing stuff, I didnt know what to draw so i looked next to me and saw people draw animals so i did the same and drew a wolf head in the clouds and a Cheshire smile liked moon behind it

 the class started drawing stuff, I didnt know what to draw so i looked next to me and saw people draw animals so i did the same and drew a wolf head in the clouds and a Cheshire smile liked moon behind it

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I smiled and signed the art work... 'one more lesson to go then chill out time' I said to myself and left for lesson...

A/n: Welcome to our new fanfic. Hope you enjoy and DONT be a ghost reader

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