Ultimate Destruction

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Chapter 8

~Nova's POV~

The next morning was rough, but we got through it. Genesis's Pack don't understand the definition of sleeping in. Instead, they decided to ruin the entire freaking land! Don't ask me what they're doing, all I know was it was loud and it was disrupting my sleep. With a growl, I sat upright and trudged down the hallway to the front door, whipped it open, and marched outside to the middle of the crowd that was... making gravel paths? I shook my head rapidly, and cleared my throat.

"What in the fucking world, do you guys think you're doing?!" I screamed at them, in which they all snapped their heads up, wide eyed.

"I, uh-" one of the men began to say.

"It is 7:30 A FREAKING M. So please, listen to me, and goddess (<god) freaking put the damn stuff down, and let us SLEEP."

With wide eyes and panicked faces, they all nodded. Apparently scared of my temper. Great, good, that's a thing to learn about me! I like my sleep. I turned around and marched inside, flopping back down on the bed, and falling asleep for another hour.


When I woke up, everyone was awake and getting ready to travel back to my pack. Including my sister, she said she was leaving her Beta, Luke, in charge while she was gone. Grudgingly, I got up and threw on a set of new clothes after my shower.

(Nova's Outfit ^^)

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(Nova's Outfit ^^)

After getting ready, we all grabbed a snack to bring and began our travel back to my pack, The Blue Moon Pack.

It hadn't even been an hour when we arrived, and I was instantly greeted by the border patrol. They smiled at me and kinda bowed, which was kinda weird but I know I'll get used to it.

"Good morning Luna, what were you doing this morning, being out so early and all?" The leader, Colby, asked.

"Well Colby, last night I was with my sister, Alpha Genesis. We just stayed at her pack for the night, that's all. And before you say anything, yes Alpha Xavier knew."

Colby gave me a small nod, smiled at me, and continued on with his patrol. I gripped my sisters hand and we all walked towards the pack house, keeping our eyes out for anything suspicious. You can never be too safe, especially now that we know we are the Elementals.

When I opened the front door, I could already hear someone upstairs falling out of bed, and racing out of the bedroom. Their door slammed shut before I could even shut the front door. Genesis, Lyric, and Seven all looked at me in questioning when they heard the pounding of someone running down the stairs. I held up my finger.

"Just wait a second," I whispered, and they nodded with confusion. Just after I said that, Felix ran into the living room and launched himself at me, literally curling himself around me like a koala. With a small laugh I folded my arms around his tiny frame.

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