Clumsy, Arrogant girl

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Susanne's POV

''oh god this girl is insane. See the mess that she has made clean this mess',My mom said getting vexed.

"Mom I am getting late where is my breakfast" I yelled .

"Susanne can't you just look in the kitchen. Its on the oven." She said ,"and who is going to clean the mess?"

"You and who!!",I said giggling whilst I saw her expression.Her expression was a combination of ingredients like anger mixed with disappointment .Hmmmm. . . . . . I don't know why disappointment was mixed in it but yeah it certainly was.Cause I know my sharp observation especially on my mom would never be wrong.

"You better clean it up after your school or else no dinner will be provided to you ." She threatened me.

I finally had to agree because who will sacrifice one time meal for being lazy and I know she can to do it.So its better to clean rather than bearing slow starvation.Infact people say that laziness is the mother of all vices .But since it is a mother we should give some respect right??I do like sometimes not all.

"You know what ",she said interrupting my thoughts ."You are quite clumsy.You throw things here and there because you know there is someone to pick your belongings. . . . . . .

There!!She  started with her criticism.She really can't get out of this habit.After a while she will begin with her lecture on cleanliness.Seriously sometimes I wonder why is she so much behind the word 'CLEANLINESS'.Chuck it !Before she starts with it  I should immediately change the topic.I am thinking!When i need something to light up in my brain the power supply is not there.God damn it!Got it !ah!

"Mom where is dad?" I asked literally displaying a question mark on my face.Seriously sometimes I think does he stay here in our flat?Whenever I ask this question he is either abroad or some sort os conference.But still I asked it because my brain didn't have anything else to think.

"He had an important work to be done.So he set out early",she replied."Sussie what about this diary .Shall I throw it?and you have plenty like this .Its scrap I mean  I haven't read the pages but its almost full.",My mom asked.

"Mom about which diary are you talking about??I have thousands upstairs." I said still not matching my eyes on hers.I know its hyperbole  cause its totally exaggerated statement.Cause you can't have thousands of diaries of your own.I said 'CAN'T' NOT 'NEVER' OR ' IMPOSSIBLE' you can have but what do you expect from a 14 year old girl.HUh??

'this!" ,she exclaimed.

"THIS!",I said with sheer surprise but later it turned into anger."Mom are you crazy?This is my precious diary .How can you think of throwing it??"I said snatching the diary from her I know I was at a state of petulance but still.Without thinking I said a couple of few words."Mom please do not touch it again ,thinking of throwing is way too far",I said with quite anger displaying on my face whilst my face flushed.I seriously don't know what made me say those words (I guess I am lying to myself).but it just came out naturally .YEAH IT DID.

It was my closest diary no matter if it is fullI would never throw it away.I am way too close about the diary because my beautiful memories which were once best moments are engraved in it.And I just can't forget them.I don't want to recall them by opening the pages(which i had open almost five years ago)so I just kept in its place heading to place my plate in the sink.I was quite hurt.

Meanwhile I forgot what was the actual scene going on it took me few milliseconds to recollect what had happened.I had completely forgotten about my mom who was standind there glaring daggers at me.She was fuming with rage.OH GOD!!She was going to kill me with those eyes of hers not in a good way .Had I done anything wrong because I don't think so.

How can I forget I did hurt her sentiments but what about mine.Am I so selfish??I am probably blind because I can see the hurt in her eyes which were once fuming with anger but she controlled to add a curtain to those.But I could figure it out.her state was . . . . . .the one which cannot be described.UNPREDICTABLE.Because I don't know what she was going to do the very next second.Her sight was itching in my eyes.

She opened her mouth to say something but ended up in saying something else."Who taught this insubordinate behaviour?"was the sentence that came out from her mouth.I saw here this time veryy carefully.She swallowed the lump in her throat.Am I the reason of her state?"I am sorry mom.I didn't mean to.Just can't get control on my tongue ,I am sorry."Was what all I said to defend to myself.

"So u better get.Cause you don't even realize how much you have hurt the person whom you are talking to."She said all being stern."did I ??"With a lot of concern on my face and with a puppy face you can call it."If I did I apologize."[again]I wanted to say again and literally with showing inverted commas made by my hands.But I didn't because I don't want my image to be a rather bad onr which she had never imagined of.I am not that bad but the thing is my important ego.I don't know but somehow I act insane when in have to speak with someone;My mind somehow gets disconnected from my body especially from my larynx (the voice box) and my tonguge.I can't think and speak thats my very weak point.I am afraid I can loose relationships and relationships are fragile as thread.But I don't give negative comments if you are thinking I might but I don't.Placing my thoughts aside I dared to open my mouth.But before that I saw her actions she sat quitely on the chair .Her chin was placed on her palms and then she moved her hands to her forehead as if hiding her face in them.I felt wretched and guilty as well.Jesus!! what had I done?"I seriously didn't mean to" was all the one sentence that was ringing in my ears as if a tape has stuck in between.

My hand landed on her shoulder[I don't know how and after a few seconds I realised it] and there I was consoling her,infact convincing her that I would never continue my insubordinate behaviour.I took her hand in my hands and forced her to look in me eyes and I said,"I am really sorry and you keep in mind that you are more important tan this diary.This diary might be precious to me but you are more than that.You are priceless.I know I sound dramatic but yeah you really are."

I knew she was swallowing her tears which were visible as they were on her corner of her eyes.I felt bad.REALLY BAD.BUt then I realised it was not me it was something else but I didn't want to open it again.She told me infact assured me that she is fine and I said okay.But I knew she was not.

So I proceeded to the drawing room, took  my satchel and waved her bye.She did the same.I used the elevator and went down in our building's premises and climbed in my school bus.I sat on my favourite seat besides the window.As the bus travelled my building faded and nor did I bother to look back.WHEW!!!Today's day was unusual.It was bad.But I am looking forward for a good one.

 dedication to my mom.For this one because its entirely on her.The way she shows that she is strong but soft from inside and all.


So you might have understood about sussane and the way how I have moulded her in being a straight forward,sweet,caring,strong and lovely girl.She is actually perfect but imperfect in many ways .This was just the taste of her behaviour continue reading because she is damn unpredictable.You never know what she is upto.She is genius. . . .

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