Its monday . . . . .. .the first day of this academic year

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As I sat on my seat next to the window I was sure I was lost in my thoughts.Never in my life I have thought so much about an incident.I guess I am growing so there might be some hormonal changes or whatever. I was not completely out of the whole dramatic scene. I wanted to slap myself for being so rude towards my mom.ugh!!!

I just replayed that scene and made myself a silent spectator.Definitaley in the whole scene I was absolutely rude.I felt like a jerk shouting at my mom for a diary.But my this part of mind says 'thats not just a diary' and so I  am  tangled in both of my minds.I cannot figure it out who is correct. All the scene which happened today was dramatic. And you might have guessed that this is third part of me.So according to it, I was acting like a actress in the daily soap who fight with their enemies for their love or something shit like this.I first fought for my diary and then was consoling my mom . What kind of behaviour is this?? I should better not remember this scene again because it will worsen my mind,my thinking capacity which  I am lacking now.I sometimes felt I surely needed a pyschologist because its on the verge of getting rusted.How old am I??hahahahahah these thoughts made me laugh for real and my friend who was sitting besisdes me looked puzzled.

 Is She mad?? was the first question that would come up to her brain.She looked at me with those coffee coloured eyes wanting for a explanation for my strange behaviour.So I didn't dare to look at her because I knew she would definitaley ask a reason behind my laugh and I would not be able to tell her a lie.So I just kept looking out of the glass and nor did she bother to ask me .AND THATS WHY I LIKE HER,She gives me my space ,she is my bestfriend and bestfriend does not means the one that  just go on repeating,agreeing in what you have said .A bestfriend in my words will mean the one who understands you,listens to your words without hearing them.You know what I mean.

As I was looking outside I saw a girl who was hugging a elder girl probably her sister as if she would vanish if she leave her.With  intensity she  was hugging her .But before I could describe in more words they faded.The reason is I am in a bus.A school bus .The fact is I love to observe my surroundings ,people, their behaviour ,their nature and lovely beauty created probably by god. Sometimes I felt making poems on such beautiful nature,but I am not a good poetess.And I knew I was not and there was no need for anyone to tell me.I am girl who appreciates her faults and thats a very good habit of mine.Sometimes I do discourage myself for something which I am not good at , but well thats another thing.

As I was silent for so long which doesn't come in my habits ,my friend asked me,"Sussie is everything okay??" "What do you mean by okay jane??"I replied."Don't jumble me in your words,Susanne. Just tell me is everything fine? cause I am not sure it is.Your behaviour today is quite unusual.Your laughs,which were to yourself were intriguing I must say."

"Yeah everything is .FINE.OKAY.",I replied giving stress to the words fine and okay."Thanks for asking me by the way atleast someone besides my mom and dad do care." " ohh.It was a bit of concern towards you.You are my bestfriend and I have the right or you can call it my duty to ask you."

I just smiled at my lovely friend who really seemed to care about me.She smiled back at me."So was there any homework to be done?',I asked her because I knew she might have the answer."No, but did you bring your history book?Miss treesa told that she is going to teach greek civilization so each one of us should carry it."

Well luckyily I did bring."yes I brought." I told her.She was about to say something but before she did I interuppted her.Not exactly."So where did u go in your vacations?",I asked.She smiled and answered,"Yes,I went to hong kong, and what about you?".Her eyes focusing on mine curiousity."Well,well, though I didn't go abroad I went  to kashmir ,the paradise of india."I grinned at her with shoting dimples at her.

"I love your smile susanne!",she exclaimed."Really,its just so natural,not at all fake and so cheerful . I mean one cannot help but smile back at you." I smiled at her again,whilst laughing at her wondering as if she is in love with me or my smile. Definitely, she wasn't in love with me because her crush was on someone else. The fact is that what made me wonder  that she loves me is that she always compliments me in some or the other way. And I am not regretting it .Not even a tad bit. Who doesn't like praises? huh?

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