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Most people would wish for an appealing, invigorating and fascinating life. I would beg to differ. I was never an interesting guy in the first place, so I wouldn’t wish for a life that wouldn’t suit a guy my persona. My life wasn’t exactly a novel experience.

I wasn’t a bad-looking guy, at least that I was quite certain of. I’m not what you may describe as dashing, but I wasn’t plain either. However, I’ve never had a girlfriend. Not that I minded or anything, because frankly, I didn’t care. It wasn’t because of my appearance, but it might have been because of my attitude of indifference. I rarely engaged myself in conversations, but that doesn’t make me anti-social. Okay, maybe it does, but again, not that I mind.

I was never interested in being in a relationship or the concept of life, or anything at all. Living a life like that might seem tedious to most, but not to me. I favor things to be the way precisely as I planned it. And as cliché at it may sound, she came along and ruined my plans.

She sparked my interest. In my fifteen years of existence, never have I stumbled upon anything worth my attention, or someone that would make me look twice. She didn’t make me look twice, or thrice. She made me keep my eyes on her, and I never looked away ever since.

But in my defense, Charm Vivian was a strange girl to begin with, so you couldn’t blame me.

I remember my very first encounter with her. It was rather unforgettable, since it wasn’t something anyone besides me could possibly experience. I was positively, yet disturbingly sure of that. You don’t just come across a girl who attempts to kill you on your first meeting.

I distinctly remember it was one afternoon, 7th of July, when I had my first near-death encounter. I was particularly specific when I said it was the first, because I had a number of them after that. But let’s get to that another time.

So there I was, living my life as normally as possible. Since I take solace in solitude, I had my breaks alone. I wouldn’t put it like I had no friends to have lunch with. I had one or two, or at least they regard me as one. I was neutral on this effect. But please, don’t picture me as a miserable individual. I just like being alone than be with people I didn’t hold fondness for.

I was eating alone, in my secret place. I’d like to clarify that it wasn’t exactly secret, since a lot know about it. It’s basically just a spot behind an abandoned building in the farthest part of the school. But no one ever went to this place, ever since rumors had it that three individuals, two students and a teacher were killed in the aforementioned building, mainly the reason why it was abandoned. The ghosts of the deceased were said to haunt the place, and there were several people who claimed to witness them. There were even some photos that supported this idea, and it was even featured once on the paper. Me? I wasn’t the slightest bit bothered. I didn’t believe in ghosts anyway. As a matter of fact, I didn’t believe in anything. 

Anyways, I liked this place. No one was present to bother me. After I finished eating, I let out a soft yawn before checking the time. I finished early, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a short nap beneath a Narra tree there.

I thought wrong.

A silent groan escaped my lips as I felt certain pain enveloping my wrists—literally enveloping. My eyes slowly fluttered open, my dull gray eyes meeting chocolate ones. A face was inches away from mine, a pretty face at that. I wouldn’t deny that I was one of those guys who would love to wake up with a beautiful girl on view, but this was different. I didn’t even know the girl, and I’m confident that this was the first time I saw her. I tried to back away, since the imminence bothered perturbed me, but I couldn’t. That was the point when I realized that I was leaning on a tree, so I couldn’t move further behind.

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