Chapter 14

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“Em, is something wrong? You look horrible.” Sam said while she poked me in the ribs.

“Nah, not really, I just read something about me and Harry this morning and I can’t get it out of my mind.” I sighed.

“Well, let me read it.” I gave my phone to Sam after I searched for the comment I read earlier today. I looked at Sam’s face while she read it but her expression didn’t change. “Well, I understand why it upset you,” she began. “So apparently it’s a girl from our school but I don’t know anyone with the username XoXoSizz.”

“No me neither, but why would someone say that about me? I’m not interested in him because he’s famous!” I said.

“Of course you aren’t Emma! Everyone with eyes can see that! She’s probably just jealous, I wouldn’t worry too much about it if I were you.” Then the bell rang, marking the end of the lesson so Sam and I collected our books and got to the school canteen, were we met the rest of our friends.

“How was biology?” Sam asked Zoë, who groaned in reply. “Oh my god, it was so hard, I’m sure I failed it.”

“Zoë, dear, when will you realise you suck at biology?” Lucy joked and then laughed, but stopped when she saw Zoë glaring at her.

“Okay but if it really is that hard, I’m going to study some more,” Sam replied as she took her book from her bag. We ate our lunch in comfortable silence until Jade practically shoved her phone in my face. “Have you seen this comment, Emma?” She asked. “The one from XoXoSizz?” “Yeah I did” I replied. “Also the last one she posted?” Jade asked, trying to seem nonchalant but the quiver in her voice give away that she was worried. She then handed me her phone and I read the latest comment XoXoSizz posted. ‘I’m going to break them. I will do anything.’

“Oh,” was all I said. I tried to act as if it didn’t bother me but it did. Why does this girl post these things? What have I ever done to her? I don’t even know her so can’t she just leave me alone? It’s not her business.

“Emma?” Jade asked. “Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m not! Some idiot is trying to ruin my life! Why would I be okay?”

“Emma relax, she probably only says these things to scare you, don’t worry.” Jade gave me a small smile. I sighed, I should be happy to have a friend like her and not get angry with her for something that’s beyond her control. The others started a new conversation about what colour converse Lucy should buy, but I wasn’t really interested. I was still thinking about the comment and Harry when I heard Sam calling my name. I looked at her and saw my friends watching me.

“Huh?” I asked.

“We said that Suzie isn’t with us that much anymore. Do you know if she is mad on us or something?”

“Uhm, no idea, really. But less drama, so it’s not even that bad,” I joked. Then the bell rang again which meant it was time for me and Sam to sit that biology test.


“That test was so hard! I failed. I’m sure I did,” Sam said and she sat down on a bench outside. I sat down next to her and crawled deeper into my jacket. It was a rather cold day and the wind felt cold against my skin. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Jade and Suzie walking towards us.

“I have an idea,” Suzie began. “Let’s meet up at my place tonight and watch a movie or something.” She smiled and I looked at Sam. Before we could say anything however, Jade had already agreed. Not that I minded it that much because it had been a long time since we all had hung out together. A girls night might be just what I needed.

“Okay what time do you want us to be there?”

“Is 8 o’clock? If that’s alright with you guys.”  When we mumbled that it was okay she said she was going to find Zoë and Lucy and almost skipped away. Strange. I looked at Sam and Jade and I’m sure we all thought the same thing.


“Bye, I’m going to Suzie’s!” I shouted just before I closed the door behind me. Dressed in an oversized sweatshirt and my hands buried deep in my pockets I walked to Suzie’s house. The wind was even colder than this afternoon so I was glad when I reached Suzie’s house.

 “Hey Em, come in!” Suzie said when she opened the door. We walked into the living room where the other girls were sitting.

“Girls, Zoë couldn’t come so I invited someone else. I hope you don’t mind that?” Suzie said.

“Of course not. The more the merrier.” Sam laughed. I sat down next to Sam on the couch. The popcorn bowl was right in front of us and I knew that it would be empty even before the movie was started.

“So what movie are we going to watch?” I asked.

“The devil inside.” Sam answered. “I hope you still can sleep tonight?”

“Probably not. I will be sleeping the next few weeks with a knife under my pillow,” I laughed.

The movie was just about start when the doorbell rang. Suzie got up to get it but the closed the door to the hallway so I couldn’t see who just got in. I could hear it was a boy but I couldn’t think of anyone she’d invite.

“She invited a boy.” I whispered to Sam.

“Her boyfriend?” Sam grinned.

“Well, I can’t wait to see him if that’s true.”

Then Suzie opened the door and walked back into the living room. “Okay, I want you all to meet my new best friend,” she said while smiling brightly. She then took a step aside to reveal the person standing behind her. I had no idea what then happened but it felt like my heart stopped breathing and I had forgotten how to breathe.  It was very quiet in the room for several minutes because no one knew what to say. Then the silence got broken by a voice that kind of sounded like mine.


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