Chapter 8

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My mum had had another chemotherapy cure on Monday and she felt really bad and got sick all the time. She was also really tired and that resulted in her either sleeping or throwing up and it killed me to see her like that. To me it only seems like the chemotherapy is doing more bad than good to her and I was really worried all the time. I was very happy I had Saturday to look forward to, because I don’t know if I could’ve pulled myself through it if I didn’t.

Since I admitted to Sam that I like Harry, I couldn’t stop thinking about him and I caught myself more often than not daydreaming about him. On Monday I was only imagining our first kiss, but it soon got from bad to worse, as I had planned my entire wedding by Tuesday evening. I had trouble concentrating in classes because my mind kept wandering to a happy place with Harry, but my teachers didn’t really mind. They probably thought I was worrying about my mum, which I should be doing instead of imagining a relationship that’s probably never going to happen.

Sam on the other hand kept giggling every time she saw me doodling little hearts in the corner of my notebook, or staring mindlessly out of the window, not noticing anything that happened around me. It was rather annoying but that’s what best friends are for. Susie kept asking what was going on between the two of us and she wanted to know about the secret but there is no way I’m going to tell her and luckily Sam had enough brains to keep her mouth shut about the subject around Susie.

Harry called me at least twice a day to see if I was okay and he almost blew up my phone with all the texts he sent me. This made me miss him even more, because even though I loved it that he thought about me and sent me texts and called me, it wasn’t the same as him being here with me. But then again, he was a famous band member so I should be happy that he even found time to text me.

On Wednesday I was trying to do my homework when the bell rang. I got up, wondering who it could be and opened the door. There he stood, my fantastic best friend who I secretly had a crush on. I squealed and jumped into his arms as he staggered backwards. I think I startled him but after a second or two I felt his arms wrap around me and he hugged me very tightly.

“Oh Harry I missed you so much you don’t even know!”

“Not half as much as I missed you though!”

I buried my head into his chest, inhaling his scent. It was one of the most delicious things I’ve ever smelled. We stood there hugging each other and enjoying each other’s presence for some minutes before Harry started talking again.

“I brought something for you” I looked up and Harry smiled. As we untangled ourselves from our hug, Harry suddenly had a single white rose in his hand. Where did he get that from? Well, he probably had in his hands when he rang the bell, but I was too busy hugging him to notice. 

I looked at the rose and I took it, careful not to hurt myself to the thorns. I smelt the rose and it gave a sweet smell. 'Do you like it?' Harry asked. I looked into his beautiful green eyes.

'I love it,' I said and I gave him a kiss on his cheek. I saw Harry's cheeks turning red.

This made me feel happy, it was a sign that maybe he liked me as well.

'I'm happy you like it' he said and he smiled. We stared at each other. I couldn't help it, but I got lost in his eyes and he in mine. I don't know how long we stood there, but suddenly I remembered that we were still standing in the doorway. 

“Uhm, do you want something to drink?' I asked him.

We went inside and I grabbed two glasses and a bottle of coke and some cookies. We went to sit in the backyard, because even though it was late October already, it was a nice and sunny day. We sat down in a hammock bench and we spent some time rocking back and forth.

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