Goodnight Stan

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The moon plastered high in the the sky, features on the moon casting darker shadows throughout the night. It's rays barely making out enough light to see the snow that was still being settled on the ground.

All the lights were off and most the town of South Park were asleep, all but those who were at the school for a vary inpatient and tragic day for all the residence that lived there.

Stan leaned back, kicking his feet up on a table in front of him while the others sat and stood around trying not to cry or scream, well that's what Stan thought about it. How could they not? Exactly one year to this day his best friend no.., his super best friend had gone missing along with Craig and Wendy. Gone without a trace. Most people thought that they had got into a accident on there way to Stan's coming home party so it was only natural to point the blame at him, well at least for a town that was shocked and confused it was.


Goddamnit it's only the first hour and I can still feel peoples eyes locked on me like I'm some kind of monster who caused this, well newsflash I didn't. I was only trying to enjoy my party when I got the news about ...them... I mean Wendy wasn't a big loss at all to anyone really she was how you say... o that's right A MAJOR BITCH like Really she thought she owned the school and everyone in it, I don't care if she was the most beautiful girl on the outside she was definitely the ugliest on the inside. Then there was Craig he used to be the biggest asshole out of all of them besides Cartman of course but over the years him and tweek being together actually changed him for the better I mean he could still be a dick but he was a lot nicer compared to before.

I let out a saddening sigh realizing that Tweek was here sitting in a chair all by himself in the corner of the room. He looked up at me and our eyes meet, exchanging slight hurtful glares. I wanted to say something to him but I just couldn't bring myself to walk over there, besides what was I going to say "hey I know that you are sad because your boyfriend probably died on his way to my party but hey I hope you can get over him and stop blaming me" now that would be stupid of me. I made sure the coast is clear from teachers and pull out a can of beer I snagged from my dads car. It was a little warm put who cares beer is beer. Besides it's not like anybody would notice and Kenny was in the other classroom so he wouldn't be begging for it.

I cracked open the beer can and raise it up to my lips letting the warm liquid poor into my mouth ~mm~ it's been way to long since I had one of these. I thought to myself remembering back to the people missing. My mind started drifted off to someone I didn't quite remember well. They say his name is ... I don't remember, not since that accident at the party that my mom and dad said I had, apparently I was hit by a car, it caused some damage to my brain and just as my luck has it, it happened to make me forget someone that was apparently my best friend. "Crap what was his name..", I thought to myself as I finished the can of beer and pulled out another one opening it and starting to drink the confines without it. "Kyle!!" I heard someone say almost sounding like a whisper. "YA that was his name thank.." I turned around and noticed everyone had left the room and the weird part about it was that I didn't even say what I was thinking out loud.

I pushed myself upright and off the chair my feet hitting the ground. "Someone there?" I sighed and walked past the front where everyone was parting to forget about what happened. "This is stupid why can't I fucking remember who the fuck Kyle is" I continue to walk in till I was outside and behind the school where the goth kids used to hang out, I heard someone call my name before I left but I just ignored it because it was probably just another person trying to bash on me for supposedly somehow being responsible for their disappearance even though I had nothing to do with it. I hear my name being called again but this time I recognize who's voice it was.

" o hey Kenny sorry about that, I thought you were one of them" I said apologizing

"Na dude don't worry about it. This place is lame and I couldn't find any girls willing to go home with me so I'm probably just going to head out if this dump soon" The atmosphere felt a little off around him, his voice changed to a low worried one as he spoke. "Hey so do you remember anything about him yet? You guys were so close it's so hard to believe that you could just forget him that easy. It's funny that his biggest fear was for you to forget him. He used to say how you guys would always stay best friends until the very end and nothing would break you two apart not even if you two got married to some random girls in the future, he was so smart and kind he cared a lot about his friends and his family" kenny spit out the words to me but I still didn't remember a damn thing.

"No I don't I wish I did, he sounds amazing to have as a friend." I looked up but when my eyes locked onto Kenny I noticed he was crying but trying to hide it. "He must have been grate and I'm sure he'll turn up dude! I'll probably remember him and we coul-" I was cut off by Kennys hand being placed against my mouth. "JUST SHUT UP ALREADY YOUR THE REASON HES NOT HERE ..." Kenny's angry voice disappeared turning into a low one as if he gave up all hope of ever seeing his friend again.

"The worst part is you will never know what you lost." He turned away and stoped staring at the road. "I can find him, I will go look for him" I said feeling worried and sorry for my angle of a friend. "Trust me you can't it's already done we are never getting him back your not going to find him if you look.. it's pointless so don't try." And just like that Kenny was gone he walked off in the night leaving me all alone to fiend for myself. I really do feel bad for him but not as much as he did for me.

I slid my body down the hard brick that I was leaning on for so long after kenny left and sat down on the snow pulling out my last can of beer, which was now freezing from the cold snow it has been resting in.

Lifting the can up and over my mouth letting it hover for a second, staring at it then sighed "last one I got" I quickly checked it down felling the nice refreshing drink go down my throat.

I lay on my back after a while of just sitting there thinking of nothing important, my head rested on a snow pile to use as a pillow and my coat as a blanket I started to feel tired in my drunken state and decided I can take a short nap out here I would be fine. I toast and turn until I found the right position then close my eyes, finally being able to go to sleep.

[Time skip to 23:42.]

"Stan, hey Stan wake up dude your going to miss it, it's so beautiful, Stan wake up common for me just this once."

I slowly opened my eyes to see a bright green light in my face matching a sweet calm voice. Just its presence alone was giving off a warm feeling which made my skin shiver. The figure was a boy wearing a green hat the figure was transparent and I couldn't make out any recognizable features. "Crap how drunk I'm I" I asked myself in a whisper. I blinked and the green figure was gone the light disappearing but not the voice, the Voice I could hear in an echo calling my name to fallow and at this moment I knew I had to be going insane there was no other exclamation but that. I tried to ignore it resting my head down onto the snow and turning my body over so that I was facing the wall of the school.
The Voice of the figure disappeared leaving Stan alone to fight the cold off all by himself. He started shivering, his skin turning pale and icy to his core. "Damnit why to I fall asleep in the goddamn snow...god I'm stupid" Stan pushed himself off the ground and to his feet before deciding to walk home for the night.

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