Chapter 22

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That show was long but fun, the crowd was great they were so welcoming and supportive. It was such a great way to return to the stage.

After the show we decided to go back to the hotel since we are all tired. I am just chilling in my bed, Lauren is in the shower and Normani and DJ are in their room.

As soon as we came back I was the first to hop into the shower, Lauren had called dibs but I beat her to it so now she is mad at me. But that's okay she still loves me, speak of the devil she just got out.

"How was your shower?" I give her a cheeky smile, but in return she mean mugs me.

"I would have already been showered if someone didn't beat me to it" Lauren states begrudgingly.

"But your clean now so it's okay" I laugh.

"Hush Hernandez" Lauren tries to stay mad but I get up and hug her.

"No you still love me" I hold on to her.

"Ya you're lucky that I do or else I'd have to fight you" Lauren laughs. I can't help but to shake my head, this girl. But I release Lauren and go back to my bed to lay down.

I'm bored and hungry I want some food. "Lo are you hungry?"

"Yeah I am actually what are you in the mood for?" she reemerges from the bathroom.


"Yeah that's cool I'll text Mani and DJ and see if they want some" Lauren pulls out her phone as she takes a seat on her bed.

Meanwhile, I call down to room service requesting two large pizza's. They said the pizza will be done in like 30 minutes that's good. In the meantime we can do something to keep ourselves entertained.

"They said the pizzas will be done in about 30" I inform Lauren.

"Cool, well Mani and DJ should be here..."Lauren was cut off by a knock.

"Now" she gets up to answer the door letting the two girls in.

"What's up people?" Dinah annonces herself.

"Nothing waiting for pizza" I reply.

"Ohh yay pizza, how long until it's here?" Mani asks.

"30 minutes, we can do something to kill time" I offer.

"Yeah let's do something" Lauren agrees with me.

"Uhmm how about truth or dare?" I suggest.

"Yeah let's play that, I'll go first Mani truth or dare" Dinah says directing her attention towards her.

"Dare" Normani replies cautiously

"Okay I dare you to text that girl that we meet at Bob Evans" Dinah gives Mani a devious grin.

"Are you serious?" Mani rolls her eyes but pulls out her phone then sends a text to the mysterious girl.

Not even three minutes later Mani's phone lights up. I guess the girl responded, Mani reads the text then shows Dinah.

"Are you satisfied?" I asks Dinah. In return Dinah offers a smile.

"Yes because I just sparked up a friendship" Dinah commends herself. We all shake our heads at the girl then continue on with our game.

It seems like it has been a little longer than 30 minutes but just as Lauren was about to dare me there was a knock at the door, "Room service", a man calls from the other side.

I get up to answer the door allowing the man to come inside. The pizzas smell so good, my stomach grumbles at the sight.

"Here you go ladies fresh from the oven enjoy" after that the man left, leaving us to devour the pizza.

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