Chapter 2

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Normani's POV

I like cuddling with Ally it's so cute and small so you can just really hold her.

She seems tense today so I begin rubbing small circles in her back to relax her, she ca't be tense before a big show. It also looks like she didn't get a good nights rest she looks tired. I feel so bad for her but I think she finally fell asleep her breathing has slowed down.

She really needs it, especially with all the stress that she has been put through recently. I continue to sit here just rubbing small circles in Ally's back until my stomach to grumble, that's right I haven't eaten breakfast yet.

Gently I lift Ally up then lay her back down as I stand up from the couch making sure not to wake her. I walk over to the kitchen to see what there is to eat, not very much but I settle on some fruit.

A pear will do. After washing it off, I walk towards the back of the bus to find Lauren and Dinah chatting in the back room doing nothing in particular.

"Hey guys" I greet them then sit down.

"Hey Mani" Dinah and Lauren chorus.

"Where's The little one at?" Dinah ask.

"She is asleep on the couch, she seemed really tired so I just let her be until I got hungry so I laid her down then got this pear" I say taking a big bite of it.

"Ohhh" Dinah replied.

Her and Lauren continue on with their conversation that they were having as I causally just chilled with them.

I think we are in Kansas or somewhere close to it we should be stopping in a little bit. By now I am down to the core of my pear. I get up to throw it away, I also to the opportunity to check on Ally.

She's been dead asleep for like an hour and a half straight, she must have been super tired . I go over to have a closer look to make sure that she is not dead or something. As I walk closer I see the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

I sigh in relief while walking over to her. I caress her face in my hands, woah she is burning up in her sleep. I get up to pull the covers back but she slightly whines in protest so I leave them. Okay well if you want to be all hot and sticky be my guest but she still looks cute though. I leave her alone then return to my seat in the back.

"Is that girl still asleep, we are going to be at the venue in like less than an hour" Lauren states.

"Yeah she is, shoot she has to get up because as soon as we get there it's straight to rehearsal I completely forgot" I replied but I just went in there to check if she was okay forgetting that we have rehersal, I don't want to wake her up.

"Lo can you go wake her up?" I ask.

"Sure" Lauren stands up going to get our little sunshine up to get ready for the show.

Lauren's POV

Ally's been asleep for like an extra two hours this morning that's really unlike her.

I make my way to the front and spot her peacefully sleeping on the front couch she looks so cute but she has to get up. I walk closer crouching by her side to gently wake her from her slumber.

"Ally, babe you gotta get up" I say softly. She grumbles a little bit but opens her eyes. Aww she looks so tired, I feel bad.

"Come on Ally we will be at the venue in a little bit, when we get there it's straight to rehearsal so we have to make sure that everyone is ready to go." I tell her.

She answer with half sleepy head nod, I can't help but to giggle as I start to walk away while she got up from the couch. I return to the back with Normani and Dinah plopping down on the couch.

"Did you wake her?" Normani ask.

"Yep I feel so bad though she looked like she hasn't slept in days" I confess.

"Dang well where is she?" Dinah ask.

"Well I thought that she was coming back here hold on" I say getting back up.

Ally's POV

Ugh I really didn't want to get up. That nap felt so good it was the first time that I have fallen asleep in like three days. I don't care about rehearsals I'm trying to sleep, after Lauren woke me up I had sat up on the couch for a little then went to my bunk.

I climb inside to make up my bed as usual, I don't like it when my bed is messy. I was intending to just put my blanket back but my body said other wise as I pass out from exhaustion.

"Ally...." I hear someone calling me moments later.

" gotta get up" they sound kind of scared. 

"Allyson please you have to get up" I feel shaking at this point.

"Allyson Brooke Hernandez get the hell up" now they just sound really pissed mixed with fear. I wish I could get up, but I'm in this state where I'm aware of everything that is happening.

Like the girls trying to get me up except there voices sound muffled, besides that mentally I am awake but my body shut itself down due to exhaustion and lack of rest.

This happens sometimes, the first time that it happened I was scared but now I'm use to it really.

Dinah's POV

"Guys please help me wake up Ally she won't budge and I've been at it for like ten minutes" Lauren comes back looking frustrated. Normani and I look at each other confused then get up to walk to Ally's bunk where Lauren is standing.

"Allyson get the fuck up" Lauren grits through her teeth, she was about to slap square her across the face but I step in to stop her.

"Lo, Lauren chill out I got this" I pull her back attempting to calm her down.

I walk up to Ally's bunk and examine her, she doesn't look right. I don't know what it is but it looks like she is like half alive half dead or something. Her breathing is super shallow and she usually moves in her sleep but she is a stiff as a board. What the fuck is going on she usually isn't like this.

"Ally..." I shake her timidly. She shot up out of her sleep hitting her head in the process, I jumped  back out of fear, that scared the living shit out of me.

"Oh my God Ally don't do shit like that!" I yell at her, what in the hell just happened?

"W-what are you t-talkinng about?" her voice comes out muffled because her head is in her hands.

"You just randomly shot out of your sleep like a zombie raised from the dead." I tell her.

"Ohh I'm sorry" she says very apologetically.

Something seems off about her, why was she passed out in her bunk like that? I have so many questions but I don't know if they will get answers.

I mean she is not acting super strange, maybe she was just that tired that she fell back into a dead sleep again. Yeah maybe that it, at least I hope.

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