Chapter 16

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Eventually Lauren and Normani came back in the room giving me sad glances, I know Dr.Teyos told them I'm still not talking. I don't care though I don't need their pity and I don't want to get better like I said they are better off without me why can't they just understand and accept that.

"Ally please, we love you and we don't want to see you suffer please just try to talk to Dr.Teyos" Lauren pleads.

I don't dare look into her eyes I can't bare to see that sadness all because of me. See this is why I wanted to end it they are just proving my point if I'm not here then they will be happy it's not that hard to figure out.

I sigh slumping back onto my hospital bed it's so uncomfortable, I want to be home in my own bed. Being in this hospital is terrible I don't like it here, just like the past 3 days I remain silent stuck in my head, the voices are starting to come back it seems that they have gotten louder.

I can barely think straight with them yelling all of the time, it's really irritating but slowly I am getting used to it sad to say. Oh yeah eventually Dinah came back, she tried to convince me to talk to but I wouldn't even look at her.

I can't look at any of them without feeling guilty, it pains me seeing them so sad over me, I'm not worth being sad over believe me.

Dinah's POV

Why isn't Ally cooperating we just want her to get better but I guess she doesn't want that for herself. How can we convince her that taking her own life is not the answer to her problems.

She just looks so sad like a storm is just clouding her whole mind, I don't like seeing her sad. Why can't she just go back to being her happy self like before.

I sigh, I really miss that Ally, the one that will unapologetically eat pizza at midnight with you, the one that will always cheer you up when you are upset.

The one that always had a smile on her face no matter what, but sadly I'm starting to think that smile was fake the whole time.

"Dinah what are thinking about?" Normani interrupts my thoughts.

I turn to her, it looks like she hasn't been to sleep in a couple of days, well we all haven't really we've just been so worried.

Right now we are back at the hotel, the nurse told us that we need rest and that Ally will be okay.

"Uhmm I don't know, I just want Ally to get better but by the looks of it, it seems like she has gotten worse" a tear slips from my eye but Mani wipes it away coming over to the couch to sit down with me.

She brings me into a hug as I lay my head on her shoulder.

"I know Di we all want Ally to get better but it doesn't seem like she wants that for herself" Normani speaks quietly. We lapse into a silence, Normani still holds me there wasn't much to say we are all sad and heartbroken right now.

For the rest of the night we stayed like that not really saying anything, eventually we fall asleep.

The sun streams through the window lighting up the whole room, Mani and I fell asleep on the couch and I think Lauren was in bed hopefully.

I sit up stretching out being sure not to wake up Normani as I stand grabbing my phone to check the time its just 8:30 we are probably going to go back to the hospital later to check on Ally.

"Di what are you doing up?" I hear a raspy voice call out.

"Ohh uhmm all the light woke me up" I answer walking over to Lauren to sit on the bed with her.

"Ohh I saw you and Mani asleep on the couch when I came out from the bathroom so I just slept on the bed" Lauren tells me.

We lapse into another silence, with everything going on we really have not been talking. I guess we don't feel the need to since we aren't in the best moods.

"So what time do you want to go back to the hospital?" Lauren asks, I simply shrug as much as I want to be there for Ally I hate sitting in that sad room.

"Ohh well I was thinking that we could go get something to eat then afterwards we go" Lauren plans out.

"That sounds fine I'll go wake up Mani while you go get dressed" Lauren nods walking over to her suitcase to pick out some clothes. Normani looks so peaceful I don't want to wake her up I know that she is tired, I mean we all are.

"Mani babe wake up" I crouch down gently shaking her awake. Reluctantly she opens her eyes giving me a warm smile.

"We are going out to eat so get on some clothes" I tell her while standing back up.

Mani stands stretching her body out from laying on that stiff couch. In the meantime I go over to my suitcase grabbing a pair of sweats, a t shirt and a hat to throw on.

We all finish getting ready sporting similar outfits, guess we wanted to be comfortable today.

"So where are we gonna eat?" Lauren asks before the elevator door opened.

"Uhmm there's a Bob Evans down the street we can go there" Normani speaks up. After exiting the hotel we walk down the street to Bob Evans to go get some breakfast.

Upon entering the hostess already had a table waiting for us, well damn that's some fast service. We sit down saying our thank you's while looking over the menu. Eventually a young cheery waitress came over to serve us.

"So what can I get you ladies this morning?" She asks.

"Uhmm can I have a Coffee" I ask.

"Uhmm I want a sprite" Lauren goes next.

"And I'll take a water" Normani goes last, I can't help but laugh the waitress keeps flirtatiously staring at Normani.

"Okay I'll be back with your drinks then I'll take your orders" the girl leaves, I can't help but bust out laughing.

"What are you laughing at Dinah" Lauren asks.

"You didn't notice her hitting on you Mani" I point out making Normani's eyes go wide.

"Are you serious that's hilarious" Normani laughs with me.

"I mean can you blame her I mean look at you" Lauren points out.

"Hush Lo" Normani laughs. Eventually the girl came back with our drinks.

"Okay what can I get you girls to eat"

"Uhmm I want the french toast with a side of eggs, scrambled and bacon" Lauren goes first.

"I want pancakes and sausage" I go next.

"I'll have pancakes and a side of eggs" again Normani goes last.

"Okay I'll have those right in" the waitress collects our menus then goes to put in our orders.

"See I told you Normani" I laugh again.

"Shut up, she is cute though" Normani looks. We all laugh, still teasing Mani about the waitress until she brought our food out.

"Here you go ladies I hope everything is good, if you need me call me over" the girl walks away but soon comes back.

"Ohh and here are some napkins" she hands them to us.

"Thanks" Normani tells her immediately she blushes while walking away.

"Don't say anything Dinah Jane" Normani immediately looks at me.

"Okay, okay" instead of teasing the girl I eat my food, these pancakes are really good.

"Okay so we are still going to the hospital after this right" Lauren asks.

"Yeah, hopefully today we can talk some type of sense into her" I comment.

"Yeah hopefully" Normani sighs. We finish our food just about ready to leave until something catches my eye on a napkin.

"Hey Normani I think this is for you" I pick it up noticing that it's a phone number.

"Ohh Normani she really likes you" Lauren laughs.

"Shut up guys and let's go" Normani gets up slipping the napkin in her pocket, she's not slick I saw that.

We pay and then leave walking back to the hotel waiting for Z to come pick us up and take us to the hospital. Eventually our bodyguard Z pulls up to the curb in one of the black vans, we hop inside ready to go visit Ally, hopefully she will talk today.

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