Chapter 1: An Unexpected Event

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~Aria's POV~

I woke up to the sound of my sister, and she was running around trying to put on a pair of pants while my mom laughed.

"Bloom, what are you doing?" I asked curiously. We didn't have school, and she was running around like we did.

"We are going to be late for sch-" she cut herself off when she realized Mom and I were laughing.

"Mom! Why did you wake me up. The alarm didn't go off because it's break," Bloom said.

"Ahh, but you fell for it," Mom countered.

"I'm sleepy, I'm going back to bed," Bloom walked back over to her bed and got under her covers.

"You should try going to bed earlier, you know. You both  were up really late last night," Mom said picking up our book on fairies off the ground.

"We were reading. . ." I responded.

"Fairies: Myth or Reality? Urgh, don't you ever get tired of these silly things?" Mom asked closing the book.

"They're not silly, okay?" Bloom countered.

"Actually, now that school is over, you both can help me in the shop!" Mom said smiling.

"Noooo!!" Bloom and I both said, though she was more muffled.

Bloom and I walked downstairs to the kitchen to see our Dad with the paper.

"Good morning sunshines!" Dad said putting his paper down.

"We're not going to spend our summer working in the shop! We wish we could go somewhere fun with our friends!" Bloom said to Dad.

"When you're older you can go wherever you want," Dad said.

"How old is older? We're already sixteen dad. . ." I said grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Already sixteen. . .you are still my little girls!" Dad said.

"Dad! It's not fair!" Bloom whines.

"Listen, in a few weeks, we will all be flying to the beach as we do every year," Dad said to us.

"But all our friends go on holidays by themselves, that would've been the best present ever," Bloom said.

"Well, speaking of presents, we've got a little surprise for you!" Mom said appearing downstairs from our room.

"Yeah, a little something to help you around Gardenia!" Dad said standing up walking next to Mom.

"Really! Thanks, dad!" we said running out side to see two bikes. One was a royal blue color and the other was a red bike with a basket of flowers, "Huh?"

"Nice huh?" Dad asked misreading our expressions.

"Oh well. . . yeah, thanks. . ." I said.

"See they don't know what to say!" Dad said not hearing the disappointment in my voice. Bloom and I walked over to our bikes, me to the blue and Bloom to the red.

"I don't know, maybe they were expecting something, a bit more. . .sophisticated," Mom said to Dad, trying to hint to him what she knew we wanted. We started walking away.

~Narrator's POV~

"A bicycle with a speedometer? Maybe. . ." Mike said trying to avoid the topic.

"A scooter, Mike!" Vanessa scolded her husband.

"But scooters are dangerous, and they cost a lot of money," Mike tried to argue as they headed back into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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