Season One Theme Song

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If you desire
You can become
One of our bunch

Winx, if your hand is warm in mine
It will give us greater power
With a feeling we'll be sure-fire winners
Winx, with a smile you can enchant
You'll lighten up our world
With a feeling we can take flight, watch us

If you desire
You can become
One of our bunch

With a magic ray, the sky keeps on blazing
An adventure is certain to start in the stars
When I'm cloud-borne
I fly through time and space
I color my existence with my imagination
With my flight in heaven

Winx, if your hand is warm in mine
It will give us greater power
With a feeling we'll be sure-fire winners
Winx, we're the new kids on the block
We're each others dearest friends
With a feeling we can take flight, watch us

Winx, you're magical, Winx
And you roam through the stars
A powerful light ray
Under the sign of the Winx

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