Session Two

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     Even now, I have no idea how he didn't get caught. Even though I failed at getting away, it was right in front of a road, and a small shopping centers. Wouldn't there of been cameras? I don't know. Anyways, I'm sure you want to hear about what happened to me. Nowadays it feels like everyone dose. I'll start from when I woke up- Honestly, you want to know what? I wish I never did wake up.

     In that moment, I never would of thought I would feel worse then I did when I woke up. I guess, now I think about it, I was wrong. My eyes felt so heavy I had trouble opening them- or even keeping them open. The pain in my head was tremendous, and my whole body- especially my legs, head, and throat felt so sore. My knee and my thigh felt like it had been ripped apart and my head felt like it was being split in two, each second is like an axe just ramming into it.. I had a metallic taste in my mouth, and it- along with my head- made the bile in my throat rise. I swallowed it down, clenching my closed eyes together as I raised my hand to my head.

"She's up!"

The voice startled me- my body and my eyes shot up so fast the nausea hit my like a fucking semi. I sat up so fast i almost blacked out. My eyes took only seconds to scan the area looking for the voice that ripped me from my moment. My eyes flicked over to three pepole in my vision. The first person I saw- and who I assumed who just exploited my secret of being awake. Everything turned slow-mo as i looked around at her, she was right on the edge of the  bed I was laying on,  staring at me. Her green eyes were opened in shock, and I could see all of the colors in them- dark green, light brown, flecks of gold- her brown hair was cut short framing her face. Her skin was tanned, yet I could see the scrapes on it.  "I'm Jolene" Her voice was opposite of her looks- it was flat and dull. "Who are you?" She asked, sitting on he bed I was laying on. I felt very uncomfortable. If she really thought I was going to be all buddy buddy with her she's in for a major fucking dissapointment.  The next person was a male, his red hair standing up in various directions. You could tell it was dyed, yet the hair on the sides of his head was a light brown. His eyes were a caramel brown, his face dotted with freckles. He raised an eyebrow, looking over at me. His clothes were the only clean thing on him, but now that I looked around, everyone was wearing the same thing. As i looked down, i was wearing it too, the same white leggings, and white long sleeve. Did... did he undress me? I break from my thoughts, and look back over. Standing beside him, was a tall male. He had dark skin, yet his eyes were a very light blue and even from here they shined. His hair was cut short, and was a dark black. My head ached, the pain spreading like a wildfire. The fear in me was just starting to boil and rise up. "Who are you guys? Why am I here?" I choked out, my nails digging into the skin on my legs as I held them to my chest.  The girl sitting on the edge of the bed spoke first. "Well, I'm Jolene," She repeated, pointing to herself. "That's Jackson" she spoke, pointing to the man with the blue eyes. "And finally, that's Kevin" she ended pointing to the guy with the dyed hair. My heart and mind were racing at least trying to figure out what happened. "I-I'm Christie" I choked, as I sat up in the bed. The white sheets were stained in small parts, and it took me a moment to realize it was blood. My blood. No one in the room spoke as I stood up, and looked around the room. I was in a very large room, with three other beds besides the one I was laying on. There were two doors, one open just a crack and the other one looked shut. The floor was covered in a white carpet, but certain parts had dirt and what seemed to be blood. The walls however, were a light yellow that just hurt my head to even glance at. The paint looked fresh, yet I could see some cracks and peeling to where it looks as if something had been slammed into it or someone carved at it. I walked over and opened the door that was ajar, peering in. It was a bathroom with beige tile floors and a light yellow wall. It was quite small, a white bathtub and showerhead, a toilet, and a marble sink. As I looked above the toilet I saw a window- it was very slim and looked to be locked shut. I looked under the sink, but I didn't find anything it was empty. The only thing I could find was a white bar of soap in the bathtub. I walked out, into the room where everyone is standing. As I look now, I noticed most of them were scratched up. I saw down on the floor, facing everyone.

"So," I spoke glancing up. "How did you all get here?" There was a silence before someone spoke. And that someone was Kevin. Even before he spoke the rage in his face was uncontainable, his fist were clenched and his nails were digging into his skin. "I was just at the movies and was walking back to Annie house" he seethed, and I noticed he wasn't looking at anyone, his eyes were focused on the ground. "And that sick bastard followed me. Fucking dick wasn't even subtle about it, I turned around and was about to ask him about it but he tackled me to the ground" he paused, his hands unclenching, laying at his sides. "I - I tried to fight him off, even got a few good hits in, but he put a cloth to my mouth. I tried to hold my breath, to not breath it in, but it didn't work" finishing, Kevin slid down and sat on the floor beside me. The silence in the room was deadly but soon enough, Jackson sat on the floor, Jolene following suit. Jolene spoke next, and a part of me wished she didn't, I could already see her tears from here. "I - I was the first one here. I was at home, and I thought I heard a scream outside. B-but" she choked up, and everyone looked sympathetic, and tried to avoid eye contact. "I was wrong. When I stepped out onto my back porch he raised a gun at me. I - I had to follow him. I would of died. I followed him out into he car and screamed for help but no one heard me, and he had locked the doors with a remote" she wiped a few stray tears but then she began to sob, so I leaned over and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry," I mumbled. Now, it was Jackson's turn. Even he looked upset, yet unlike Kevin, Noone looked angry. "Well," his voice cracked a small bit and he rubbed the back of his neck chuckling. "Huh, well I guess we're all kinda the same so far. My capture was nothing much. I was going on a midnight jog, and he gassed me." Even though I wanted to know more, I didn't dare ask any futher, he sounded like he didn't want to talk about it.

"What about you Chrissy?" Jolene asked.

We're on nicknames now? I shrugged it off, looking down at the floor. I was already getting worked up. "Heh. I was taking pictures of the bridge, or- I was going to. I was laying against the railing when he came up to me. We actually talked. He seemed so normal. But then I noticed he was too close behind me-" my breath gets caught in my throat, and I can see the bridge in front of me again, as if i was there, the same panic infultrated me. "I- he, he pressed a gun into my back, and he.. he said, he- he knew my name and he pulled my hair-" I feel my hand each to my head, and realized my ponytail was gone, my blonde hair frizzy. I touched my head where the gun hit me and hissed, the pain in my head was growing like a wildfire. "I ran, and I almost got away but- this car- it just- it almost ran me over-" I continued my ramble, my body starting to shake. Someone was calling my name, and I felt their hand on my shoulder but all I saw was the road, and the shop, and him- the gun. "He pinned me to the ground and I fought against him- I kicked and scratched, i tried to scream but he started to choke me. I stabbed at his eyes and tried to get back up but- but" I swallowed, tears pricking at the end of my eyes. "He hit me with the gun on my head, I think it was twice but it might of been more, I blacked out" I stopped rambling and the room faded back into picture. Jolene was crying and everyone else looked on edge. I guess they must of not tried as hard, or didn't have the chance too. Or maybe, I was just he unlucky one. The tension in the room rose, and it could cut like a knife.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Jackson mumbled. I gave the best smile I could manage, my whole body aching. "Me too," I commented, brushing away the tears at your face. I opened my mouth to speak. I wanted to know more about them, where they lived, favorite colors- but the sound of a door unlocking startled me, and the same knot tightened in my stomach as it did on the bridge.

"I see your awake, and you've all introduced yourselves! How great"

I'm sorry to leave you on a note like that, but I can tell we are a bit past time. I'm sorry I ran you late again, hope you can forgive me. How about I try to sleep on my bed tonight? As if. It's not a promise, but I'll try to. See you at the next session.

(A/N: Thank you all again, I'm really glad from all the support I've gotten! 1788 words? So happy, once again I'm sorry about the wait. Wattpad didn't save right and I had to retype it. But, I am not sorry for he cliffhanger :)) love you guys, he next chapter will be released early this time depending on how much attention  this is getting. I'm sorry I don't want to sound like that but if it's only at like five reads I don't want to rush the chapters and it be bad, so please don't rush me. Once again, live you guys, see you soon! Please tell me how you feel about the book so far! I know this chapter was kind of boring!)

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