Session Three TW:G&V

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(Though I thought this was expected for this horror book, I'm putting a trigger warning here. If the chapter has TW:G&V it means the trigger warning is gore and violence if the chapter has TW:SA in the header, it's trigger warning is sexual assault. If it has TW:CC it has a mention if a car crash. TW:MI means it has mention of mental illness or breakdowns. TG:AB means it mentions abuse. *more may be added but that's all I have for now*)

Well, it's getting into the colder weather here. Honestly? I hate it. There is a certain reason, but you'll learn later. I tend to like suspense anyways, so it's a win-win. I know, I'm a bitch. I'm sorry, that's what you want me to say right? I wish you'd just sign my papers saying I'm fine. I know you know I'm not, but it would do me a huge favor. You have no idea how much I hate this- no offense, but I can't stand how I have to explain in such great detail to you what happened to me. It's torture, having to re-live that shit. And don't lie to me, you know how much I hate liars, I know this shit is hitting you hard too. Don't feel too bad. Pepole always give themselves away, your not the first. It's when you scoot father back in your chair- or the way you dig your nails into the clipboard. And if the shits hitting you really hard, you stop looking at me. You dig your nails into the skin on your thighs. If I were you, I'd stop doing that though. We haven't even got to the bad stuff, when you hear some of that, I'm afraid you'll have scars. Anyways, I'll continue from where we left off.

I know your interested.

Everyone is.

"I see your awake, and you've all introduced yourselves! How great"

I dug my nails deep into the fur of the carpet as if that could ground me. I felt my heart rise in my chest, ready to crash. Kevin still had his mouth hanging open, as if he were to start to speak again, while everyone else was just staring at the open door- or more so, the person standing in front of it.

His head was shaved, and he had the remains, or a chisel of a beard left. His green eyes were open and wild- he had bags under them. His mouth was twisted into a errie smile, his arms wide open. Unlike everyone else in the room, he had regular clothes on- a green tee-shirt and blue jeans. His shirt had a logo on it but it was from a place I can't remember. He didn't have a lot of hair on his arms or leg, but you could see a small bit of muscle on it. He had a tattoo I can see from here- it's a bird I think, right on his shoulder.

"The correct response is hello"

He spat, his voice full of so much hatred it was just dripping with venom. I stand up slowly, and open my mouth, but no words come up. My legs are shaking but all that's on my mind besides the pain in my head and ankle, is all of the hatred I felt for him in that moment. It was bubbling, just oh so close to boiling over. Someone tugged on my leg. I look down- it's Jolene. She was proably trying to warn me. Wondering what in the hell I was doing, but I already had a plan. My ankle let out a crack as I stepped foward, the bones falling back into place, and I try my hardest to ignore the pain in it.

"Whatcha doing Chris?"

I could said I did something stupid, but I feel better saying that I snapped. And I did, my emotions ran loose, my anger bubbling over. But, I still had a plan. I slowly walk over, and he opens his arms when we become face to face. I saw the look in his eyes, and at hat time I wouldn't of been able to describe it, but now sitting here with you, I found out what it ment. He knew something was up, and he wanted to see me suffer.

To see me fail.

I open my arms slowly, and look out the open door. I can't see much from behind him. I don't hug him, in a swift move I brought my elbow up, smashing it right into his jaw, sending his head straight up. I wasn't going to give him time to react. I raised my knee and kicked out, hitting him right where I wanted- but I didn't kick hard enough. He reached out and started to pull my hair, trying to pull me to the ground. I reach back tears pricking my eyes. I dig my nails into his wrist with all of the pressure I could and he let out a cry immediately letting go of my hair. I swung my arm out, punching him in the stomach. I elbow him right in the nose, and I hear a crack, when he drops to the floor I run.

Of course I know now, that he was just playing with me. I didn't really hurt him. He wanted me to run.

I ran to an doorway, trying to look for a way out. My blood pressure spikes.
I trapped myself
It's a kitchen with light white walls, I see a wooden stand with two knives on it. I take he most thin knife barley having and time to turn around.

Now this is what he didn't expect- I guess he forgot he had the knifes out.

His hand push down on my shoulders and my face slams into the floor cracking my nose- the blood is going to stain these tiles. It's around this time I wonder if he closed the door, if my distraction was for nothing. I try to force my body to turn, and I barley mange to. I swing the knife across his chest, and he hissed, now trying to grab the knife from me. He grips onto my wrist, slamming it down onto the floor. I don't let go, instead with all the pressure I aim it at the hand on my wrist.  Struggling for power his hand slips, the thin blade cutting through the meaty flesh on his hand. It didn't cut deep, he gripped the handle of the knife as I tried to crawl away, but his weight kept me stuck.

I can't breathe

I'm choking on the blood in my nose, hyperventilating. He is sitting on my stomach. The knot in my stomach just curls tighter and tighter the rope daring to break. He grips my head and slams it down into the tile. It makes a wet thwack, the wounds I had opening. Dots clouded my vision and I just hoped I would pass out. He grabs one of my arms as I fight to struggle against him. He places my wrist to the ground so he won't cut it- instead he drags the knife on the other side of my arm. A scream built up, increasing in volume by the second. It sounded so pathetic. He let go, gripping his free hand onto my jaw, pressing it together.

"Shut up" he remarked in a deep growl, spitting on my face. His grip got tighter, my teeth grinding together and I could just feel my cheeks being cut open from my teeth. My face was overflowing with tears, leaving a sticky trail down my face, onto the floor. My whole body was shaking as he let go of my face, placing the knife just right out of my reach. I pushed my arm, and I felt my fingers graze the very bottom of the handle, but I couldn't grip it. I just kept crying. His hands trailed up and down my waist as he leaned his head down putting his lips to my ear. I hating the feeling of his lips on my ear, or his breath on my neck.

"That was fun, I think you've learned your lesson Chris, for running from me. But I'm not sure how I'll punish you for trying to fight me yet," and with that he got up off of me, and I barley managed to snag a few breaths of air. I couldn't stand, I was so paralyzed with fear and pain. Once again, the black dots clouded my vision.

This is how I die,

I would bleed out onto this floor and die. He pulled me up, sending waves of nausea and pain throughout my body. He opened back up the door and everyone's attention was focused on me, and I could just hear their breathing stop.

"Now here's some bandages, she's your problem now. If she dies, i'll make sure you'll all be punished" he snarled, before pressing his mouth to my ear.

I hated hearing his voice. His breathing.

"But I sure did have a lot of fun with you Chris"

His voice was the last thing I heard that day.

(A/N: Here's session three! Sorry it's so late I was unexpectedly busy. But I did deliver, it was posted on the right date. I'm glad you all enjoy the book! I love you guys! Feel free to tell your friends. Or don't. They might not like it :)) Session four will come out either sometime between now and next week!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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