V - heartbreak

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The sky becomes darker hinting at a storm. I walk through a quiet neighborhood with a quiet house, a house with a girl and a girl with a story.

Her brown hair and blonde streaks fall to her eyes swaying lightly with the wind, pink lips playing a small smile on her delicate face. I can see the happiest girl in the world with bright eyes shining in contentment.

I look closer as she falls to her knees. Small sharp rocks dig into her skin but she couldn't care less. The frown seems so out of place as it now mars her gentle features.

This happy girl isn't happy at all.

She's plucking blades of grass off the ground and watching as the wind blows them away. Her eyes aren't bright with happiness. They are lined with silvery tears of heartache and broken dreams. As if the grass were those dreams flying away, slipping through her fingers.

She heaves a deep sigh looking up to the darkening skies. This happy girl isn't happy at all. Her dainty nose scrunches up and her lips curl back in an unpleasant scowl.

Thunder shakes the ground, lighting fills the sky.

Shoulders caving in, sobs wrack her fragile form as waves of heartbreak wash over her drowning all hope and desire smothering all love and joy until only pain and grief and sorrow was left.

She falls on her back against the muddy floor. She looks so shattered there splayed on the cold wet ground wailing for all she'd lost, heaving in breaths she knows one has lost.

Her very bones tremble as thunder cracks but she lay motionless as she breathes in the earthy smell of the land she lay upon, the heavy rain now pelting against her skin. Lightning flashes reflecting on her green specked hazel eyes and with newfound vigor she hardens them, stands steadily on two bare feet, and splays out her arms.

Thunder threatens to break the heavens, lightning strikes the ground and she screams.

She screams as tears fall from her eyes blending with the rain. She screams out her heartbreak, all the pain that's been hidden away. She screams out as her eyes pierce the sky like there was something beyond the lightning and the dark clouds that had all the answers.

She screams with every broken and bitter thing inside of her the words that made me walk away. "Come on! Make the pain stop! I fucking dare you!"

The quiet neighborhood wasn't quiet anymore. And this happy girl was never happy at all.


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