It's been awhile... Chapter 15

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Hello internet...

I'm back...

I've been online a few times but other than that I'm pretty much off of it for now...

I'm fine I swear...

Nothing's wrong...

I'm just very tired...

I've been reading my parts over so I know how I was in the last one..

It's scary...

Which means I'll probably start this account over again...

But I'm gonna think about it...

I've been trying to keep my grades up in school...

All a's and b's now...

Isn't that lovely?

I'm leaving my math teacher and switching to a new one but I really don't want to...


Anyways, I'm gonna go...

Sorry this is so short but I'm tired and very ready for bed...

I have a big day tomorrow...

There's a dance at the school and I'm going with someone...

That'll be grand...

I'm ready for bed now...

Goodnight guys!

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