My new family

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I walked in from college to find my dad and brothers sitting on the couch "Lyd hun I know I haven't been the best dad lately but I've been seeing someone for a while now and she has been helping me to become a better person and I want you to meet her and her children tonight" "okay dad" I began thinking maybe this was a good thing for him and for all of us "dad how many kids she got" I asked "7 but 2 of them are not that young" "WOW that's alot that means between the pair of you there will be 13 of us" I joked "yeah but all my kids are fairly grown up and responsibile....sometimes" he said glaring at me and Alfie "now hun can you make the table while I make the food" he asked politely for once "okay" I grinned, good was already coming from this mystery women

it was about 6pm and there was a knock on the door "I'll get that" my dad yelled from the other room "hello" I heard dad say from the other room "come on in and make yourself at home come and meet my kids" they walked in and infront of me was the Tomlinson family infront of me yes you heard me Louis Tomlinson was infront of me, I was fangirling in my head OMG try not to fangirl out loud I thought in my head "this is Lyd, Ben and Alf the trouble makers of the family" he joked but with a hint of seriousness in his voice "kids this is Joannah and her kids Lottie, Felicity, Phoebe, Daisy and Doris and her sons Ernest and Louis" I was thinking in my head you don't need to introduce Louis fucking Tomlinson my fav member of 1D of course I already know who he is but I went with a simple "lovely to meet you all" "you too" Louis replied while smiling at me, OMFG Louis Tomlinson just said it is lovely to meet me and he just smiled at me I screamed in my head.

Louis POV

infront of me stood my new step sister to be but all I kept thinking was she is so naturally beautiful I've never seen a girl with no makeup look so good. "Lyd do you want to come out with us?" her father asked "no" she replied "sorry I've had a long day at college" "what about you Louis?" my mum asked "where you going?" "the pub" "no thanks I'm not in the mood for that" I replied "okay well the rest of us are going" "Lydia be sensible for once" Shane shouted "okay dad of course I will" she replied with the fakest cheesiest grin I had ever seen I couldn't help but to laugh when they had left

"soooo..." I said making conversation "tell me a bit about yourself" "like what?" she asked " what is your full name" "Lydia renee kirsten georgina driver"  "okay whens your birthday and how old are you?" "17th april and 19 nearly as you can guess" " hmm okay do you like one direction" " yeah I love them" she blushed "ahh we have a directioner in the room I see" I smiled at her "yeah" "whats your favourite coulour?" "pink" "dream job" "working in a nursery stupid but I love it"  "i dont think its stupid at all, favourite animal?" "dog or meerkat not too sure" "how can you not be sure about your favourite animal" "I don't know" "favourite film" "this is us" she blushed "favourite album?" "midnight memories" "favourite song?" "ermm that's a tough one she's not afraid, half a heart or little white lies" " favourite band member" I grinned "you" she began to blush even more "why" I asked "enough about me" she said changing the subject "no tell me" I kept saying until she gave up "because you seem funny and caring and you have amazing talent also you are hot, have amazing eyes and hair and good dress sense and have a nice body especially your bum" she blushed which made me smile she was so damn cute when she blushed "so im guessing you like 1D and me then?" "yeah" she said going red "don't be embarrassed not like you're full on fangirling over me infront of me" I joked "yeah thanks" she laughed

Lydia's POV

I can't believe it Louis Tomlinson wants to know about me a nobody.

"so Louis enough about me lets talk about you" "well my favourite animal is a pigeon" Kevin I thought "my favourite colour is dark red and I love to sleep naked" he said winking at me l, OMFG Louis Tomlinson just winked at me I screamed in my head " so Lydia what is your type of guy" dark tanned skin, blue eyes and brown messy hair and a good body and dress sense also they have to be funny and caring" "dont ask for much do ya?" he laughed "no" I laughed back"  "what do you look for in a girl then" "brown long hair and blue eyes and a nice arse and body as well as her being caring and funny" "yeah don't ask for much do ya?" "shut up you, so are you single?" "yeah are you?" "yeah" he then smiled at me and moved in closer and began to kiss me slowly and passionately, OMFG I'm kissing Louis Tomlinson and he made the first move "WOW you're a good kisser" Louis said as he pulled away, did he really just say that I thought smiling to myself "thanks" i blushed, he then put his hand on my face and began to kiss me even more passionately with a smile appearing on my face, Just then Annabelle walked in "Lyd guess what I..." she looked round the corner to see me and Louis kissing "oh sorry I didn't realise you had company. .. wait is that Louis Tomlinson from one direction" she asked trying to stay calm "yeah I am its lovely to meet you" he said holding out his hand she shoke his hand" "you too so how do you know Lyd?" "she asked "well my mum is with her dad...sounds weird but yeah" he said scratching his head and running his fingers threw his hair, OMFG he looks so sexy when he does that it made me want to do it myself "don't worry I dont judge" annabelle smiled " thanks"Louis smiled back  "welcome" she grinned "so anyway what did you do earlier or more likely who did you do?" I said raising her eyebrow "well I may or may not have done Jay from the wanted" "you did what? jay really hes ugly and the wanted suck!" Louis couldn't help but laugh at me as I screamed that at her " well at least I'm not the one getting off with my step brother" she yelled Louis just sat there awkwardly "I was not getting off with him"

"really because that slow and passionate kiss I just walked in on says different"

"it's not what it looked like"

"really because it looked like if I had never walked in you would be banging your new step brother right now" Louis blushed as the words came out of Annabelle's mouth

"excuse me but I'm not you, I don't sleep with every guy I see"

"no because your a loser virgin" the words just spilled out of her mouth and right in front of Louis Tomlinson from one direction, I was beginning to tear up and I could see Louis mouth drop as she said it, I was beginning to go bright red

"I think it"s best if you leave" Louis interfered quite rudely, Annabelle walked out and I couldn't hold back the tears Louis walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead I couldn't believe he was still talking to ne after what just happened "don't worry I'll always be here for you Lydia" he whispered in my ear I began to smile again I had never felt so safe and happy in my life

my new step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now