Hiro (3)

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Hiro walked angrily in the dark, empty streets. The air was cool and damp, the street and sidewalks were wet from rain. The street lights were on and beaming. Hiro shoved his hands in his pockets and walked. He was too pissed he could punch something.

He came to a sudden stop, next to him was a concrete wall, one of those walls that separates the houses from the street. He clenched his fist and swing, his fist was deep in a hole that he made. But he felt nothing. He stared at the hole he made, his eyes widened.

"what the fu.." he thought to himself. He pulled his fist out and some of the debris concrete fell. He looked at his fist and opened and closed it.

"Why doesn't my hand hurt?" he thought to himself. "Why didn't I know about this earlier?!" he growled slightly and kept walking.

As he walked, Craig and his friends stood in front of him. Four of them, one of him. He slowly took out his hands from his pockets.

"Hey Jackie Chan" Craig grinned "miss me?"

Hiro didn't say anything, he just stared at them. Just then two of Craig's friends lunged at Hiro.

Hiro grabbed one guys fist when he threw and twisted it behind the guys back, hearing a bone crack. The man screamed and Hiro kicked him in the back to the ground then didn't fully turn to a fist flying in the air at him. He ducked, barely missing him. While he ducked he tripped the man that threw a punch at him and hit him right in the throat. The guy gargled and grabbed his throat. Hiro stood up and glared over at Craig.

Craig looked pissed then shouted his other friend out to Hiro. He sprinted at Hiro and tackled him down, sat on Hiros stomach and started punching Hiro in the face over and over again. Hiro couldn't see what was happening at first, but once he processed it, he grabbed the mans fist the next time he threw a punch, and punched him in the face. The man rolled off of him and held his bloody nose. Hiro stood up and looked at the men on the floor.

Craig had enough. He grabbed a lead pipe and swung at Hiro. But before Hiro realized it, the led pipe hit Hiro in the neck. But that didn't stun him at all. Hiro turned around and Craig's eyes widened and swung again, but vertically. Hiro lifted his arm and the pipe hit his arm but didn't go through or hear any bone crack. Craig looked to find wire sparks in Hiros arm, around the pipe. Craig's eyes widened and dropped the pipe, running off in a panic.

Hiro put down his arm but looked at it. Sparks were flying, metal was broken, wires were torn. His eyes grew wide and he screamed. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

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