Hiro (4)

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Hiro ran home as soon as he could and bursted through the door. His mom and Oliver stood up.

"What happened?!" his mom asked, coming up to him and cupping his face with her hands, looking him over.

He pulled away from her grip and stared at her. He panted heavily because he ran fast and he was just in a fight.

"Mom, what am I?!" he demanded, he wanted to know.

His mom stared at him and backed up a little bit, crossing her arms as she looked at him.

"Four years ago, we were in a terrible car accident. Me and your father were ok..but we were T-boned, and the car that hit us, hit us from the side and at the back of our car...hitting you. You were dying Hiro, your bones were broken, you were losing blood..we took you to the hospital and a person from your fathers work said they were conducting an experiment and they needed a ginuea pig..we volunteered you because he said it could save your life. We didn't know what else to do we didn't want to lose you..you're not human Hiro..you're a robot.." his mom explained, looking serious.

Hiro stared at her, panting heavily. He couldn't believe what she was saying.

"You're lying" he said angrily.

"Am I.."

His nose scrunched in anger.


As soon as he said this his voice circuit malfunctioned so he said it in a robotic and human voice at the same time. He stared at her, hearing the malfunction but ignored it. Tears formed in his eyes.

"I'm Hiro.."

"Honey I know..you are Hiro..they transferred your brain so you remember most things but not all right? They made you look like yourself as well..we did this for you" he said gently but sounded broken hearted.

Hiro looked at Oliver. "you knew about this??"

Oliver looked guilty and looked away. "Yes I do..I was suppose to keep it from you.."

Hiro glared at the both of them. "I am 18 years old! I'm not a goddamn baby! you don't need to hide it from me! For so long I thought there was something wrong with me, I was in pain, it scared me! You all made me feel like it was nothing and I couldn't be cured!" he screamed, he stared to walk but stopped.

"Hiro??" his mom looked at him in concern. Oliver stepped closer, looking at Hiro in worry.

Hiro closed his eyes then opened then and his eyes were glowing a light blue.

"Model 62278 is damaged. Shutting down until repairs are made" Hiro said, but it sounded like an automated voice. His eyes closed and he bent forward. "Shuting down."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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