[27] Saturn

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You taught me the courage of stars,
Before you left

Stiles suddenly sat up, gasping for air as he looked all around him to notice he wasn't near the Spring of Power anymore. He looked confused, looking all around him to see that he was actually in Beacon Hills. He let out a breath of air, noticing that this Beacon Hills looked... a lot more dark, like grey. He was freaking out, wondering where the hell he was until he heard Sara's mother's voice behind him. He jumped, turning to see her standing there at the edge of his bed with a warning look on her face.

"Wh-where are we? Are we on the Other Side? Is Sara here?" Stiles asked, panicking as Sara's mother nodded her head slowly. "B-but this is Beacon Hills? Why does the Other Side look like Beacon Hills?" Stiles asked.

"This is where she wanted to be on the Other Side..." Sara's mother explained as simply as she could for Stiles. "Now, you must hurry and find her. Reunite with your bodies because while you can get back to your's..there are going to be other people--other demons alike that will try and take your place. All the souls over here are trapped, unfinished business and other things..You must find Sara and get to the entrance back to our world before it's too late." Sara's mother warned Stiles.

Stiles slowly nodded his head, still feeling the room spinning slightly from all the confusion. "W-wait a second...H--where is the entrance back to our world?" Stiles asked, needing to know how to get out of here before running and taking off to find Sara.

"For Sara in particular..it'll usually be the place the fallen died. So, in this case..I'll have it in her house. So when you find her, get through the doorway into her room in order to come back. I'll try holding it open as long as I can but it's up to you, Stiles, to get her back.." Sara's mother said before her and Stiles exchanged goodbyes, her disappearing and leaving Stiles to find Sara.

Stiles took deep breaths before running off in an attempt to find Sara as quickly as possible. But it proved difficult as he checked his house, her house, Scott's, the forest, the animal clinic, every single place he thought was significant to them. But she was at none of them. So Stiles had to take a breath, thinking hard about what place would be special enough to Sara, to them, that she would be there on the Other Side.

It took Stiles longer to realize than he'd like to admit before it finally dawned on him. It was the most significant moment for the two of them. And suddenly, Stiles knew exactly where she was.


"S--Sara..?" Stiles whispered, his voice breaking as he slowly stepped into the school gym.

It was decorated like it was for formal, decorations and twinkly lights all around as Sara stood there in the middle of the dance floor. And it suddenly dawned on Stiles where they were, or when they were. They were at the night of the formal, the night Peter attacked and killed Sara the first time. She was in her dress from that night, her back turned as she stared up at the ceiling. It looked like she was focusing on something, like nothing else around her mattered.

"What I regret most from this night...was not telling you how much I love you the moment you told me you loved me...I-I regret that I had to almost die for me to fully admit how much I am in love with you. I-I should have said it sooner, I shouldn't have waited until I was dying in your arms-.." Sara whispered, still looking up at the ceiling as she had her eyes closed. "God-..I'm sure gonna miss feeling the warmth that your touch allows. T-the feeling in my chest whenever I looked at you..I guess it's gonna be lonely here for a while, huh?"

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