Nothing happens unless first we dream

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"Mummy! He took my shoes AGAIN! I need them for ballet!" Maddy called down the stairs of her family's large home just south of London.

"Theo, can you give your sister back her shoes and get your swimming bag – I left it on your bed. It's time to go!" Her mother called up the stairs to her two eldest as she tried to wrestle a winter jacket onto her youngest – 3-year-old Felicity/Lissy – who was cranky having just awoken from her nap.

Thundering footsteps could be heard as the 8-year-old and 5-year-old came running down.

"Will daddy come see me swimming later?" Theo asked.

"Sorry sweetheart, not this week. He is away making a movie, remember? Maybe next week though. And you can let him know how it all went when we talk later!" Their mother said, "Now, shoes and jackets on – it's wet out and you don't want to get a cold if you still want to go to see Granny and Grampa next week during half-term."

The two kids threw on their jackets and shoes and raced out to the car in the driveway whilst their mum locked up and followed them, helping to get Lissy buckled in before starting her drive to the dance school.

It was Saturday, and life every Saturday the kids were going to various extracurricular activities. Madeline had ballet and Theodore had an art class, and then all 3 kids were in swimming lessons. Usually the children's parents would split up the driving duties, but their jobs sometimes made that difficult.

You see, their mother – Taylor- was a world-famous singer and songwriter, whilst their father – Joseph or Joe -was an award-winning actor. However, the Swift-Alwyn kids had as normal a childhood as any of their school friends.... well, ignoring the fact they flew to visit their grandparents and family friends in the USA via private jet and knew a lot of famous people. But it was all normal for them, it was the way they had been brought up and they knew no different.

"Come on Theo – we need to drop Maddy early in order to get to your class in time." Taylor told him as she got her youngest out of the car and Maddy waited patiently before going into the dance school.

"Can't I just stay here?" He asked, looking up from the 'Where's Wally' book he had in the car.

"No, sorry hun but I can't leave you here. We'll literally be 5 minutes tops." She said, making him roll his eyes slightly and shrug, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out.

Before Taylor knew it, Maddy had finished ballet, Theo had finished art class, and she was sitting on the side of the pool with the other parents entertaining Lissy with a book while also watching her two older kids swimming. The 3-year-old lesson was only half the length of the others and parents joined in, but it was already finished and she had gotten herself and her little girl changed and back out so as to watch the maximum amount of the other two kids in their lessons.

"Wow, that little blond dude is fast! Is he one of yours?" Taylor heard an Irish sounding voice just behind her say as she watched Theo swim down the lane with confidence and skill. He had immediately taken like a fish to water and was only 1 level behind Maddy despite the 3-year age gap.

"Yeah!" Taylor replied, turning slightly towards the voice and dropping he book she had been reading with Lissy as her jaw dropped in shock.

"Hello love." Joe said, smirking slightly at her expression.

"DADDY!" Lissy squealed, standing on the bench and reaching up to him.

"Hey little one!" He said, momentarily distracted as he picked up his youngest daughter and peppered her face with kisses before looking back over at his wife.

"What.... What are you doing here? You were meant to be in Budapest!" Taylor said, still shocked but smiling brightly at him.

"I wanted to surprise you." Joe said, sitting next to her and letting her put her head on his shoulder and snuggle into his side.

"Well you have always been better at surprises." Taylor said, grinning at him.

"It's just because I adore the grin you get and the surprised face you make whenever I do it, so I will keep doing it for the rest of our lives." Joe said, leaning in to kiss a smiling Taylor.

Suddenly everything went blank white.


"Wake up sweetie. You're meant to be at rehearsals for your show right now!" My mum said as she gently rubbed my back to wake me up. "It's 10am. I know you feel sort of rotten, but everyone is waiting for you."

I stretched my arms up and shivered slightly as they hit the colder air outside my blanket cocoon, before rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and rubbing them gently, feeling absolutely exhausted for having slept well over 10 hours since I went to bed at 10PM last night!

"I was having the best dream mom." I croaked slightly before coughing a little and smiling at my mum as she brushed hair out of my face.

"Yeah? Do you want to tell me about it?" She asked, smiling back at me, just as she always did when I was little and was being woken up.

I thought about it for a moment. Most of the time I loved sharing my dreams with my mum – good or bad – but sometimes they were very personal and I wanted to just keep them to myself.

"Maybe I'll tell you one day, but right now I need to get dressed." I said smirking slightly as my mum pouted and laughed as she got up from the edge of my bed.

"Okay. I'll let you get ready while I make some tea to take in the car." Mum said, leaving the room but turning around just before closing the door, "By your smile I'd say it had something to do with a certain blonde-haired brit... but that's just my mother's intuition speaking." She smirked at my slight shock before closing the door.

She was right. When is she not right? Every aspect of my daily life currently was permeated by thoughts of him and I didn't want it to end. We had only met under a month ago, but I felt in my bones that this could be it – we could go the distance. And if my dreams were anything to go by, it would be incredible.

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