Jingle Bell Ball Part 2

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"Geez I'm exhausted!" She said with a giggle. "I guess I need to get used to traveling and performing again!"

Everyone laughed and continued the conversation we were all having earlier, ignoring Taylor and I as we spoke to each other.

"So, do you want to go out to watch the show?" I asked her.

"Maybe, like, the last few sets? Like Liam, Chainsmokers, and definitely Ed." She suggested. "Right now, I just want to relax right here."

"Okay, that suits me just fine." I said with a smile as I gently stroked her back to relax her.

All of the sudden, like a lightning bolt hit her, she sat up and looked at me with panic stricken eyes.

"Where's Patrick? Did you leave him alone? Please tell me you didn't lose him!" She said as she stared at me, making me chuckle a little at her protective nature.

"Relax babe, he's watching the show with his friends and they have security with them. I told him to come to the side stage when the Chainsmokers start so we don't lose them all at the end of the show." I explained, watching her visibly relax again.

"Okay.... Thanks! I could never live it down if they got lost at a show that I brought them too!" She said, cuddling into my shoulder again and making me smile.

Taylor POV

We decided to stay backstage in my dressing room for a little bit in order to just chat and hang out with my band and singers who I wouldn't be seeing for another couple of months when we started tour rehearsals.

"Babe? Did you want to go out for Liam Payne's set? I think it's starting in a few." Joe said to me as I sipped at my cup of wine.

"Oh yeah! Let's go!" I said, dragging myself off his lap and straightening out my outfit, having yet to get changed. "Do any of you guys want to come?"

Suddenly we were all heading out the door towards the side of the stage in the arena, laughing and joking around as we went. Joe and I were at the back of the group, strolling along as we heard the intro for Liam's set start to play. I felt Joe's phone start to vibrate in his hand on my shoulder as we walked and he looked at it, chuckling as he read it.

"So, Patrick will be meeting us side stage.... Apparently, he forgot to bring any cash and they are hungry." Joe said, rolling his eyes slightly.

"Aw he can get food from m dressing room if he wants." I told him as he shook his head.

"They will literally devour everything. I'll give him some money and they can sort it out. Independence and all that." He replied, making me laugh.

"JOE!" I heard someone call out, making my freeze a little but immediately relax as I saw it was just Patrick bounding up to us. "Hi T – great set! Can I have some money Joe?" He said, looking between us.

Joe handed him £20 then Patrick smile mischievously pulling something out from behind hid back and putting it on Joe's head.

"Can't be seen without REP merch, bro. That's just not cool!" He said, smirking and waving as he turned to go back to meet his friends.

"He's right babe, totally vital to wear it all day every day." I said, nodding my head seriously and trying to mask my smile.

"Well you know I'd wear it until the end of time." He replied, making us both burst into laughter, "But genuinely, might help my tired eyes deal with the bright strobe lights!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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