New Year Love

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A/N: Not my best but had it stuck in my mind....

Taylor POV

I woke up all of the sudden with lyrics and melodies on my mind, feeling like I had just had an incredible dream but simultaneously hoping that it wasn't a dream. I turned on the light, illuminating my otherwise empty bedroom in New York, and grabbed my phone.

Joe had been away for 2 weeks prepping for a new movie and I was still struggling to get used to being alone at home for long periods of time. I had been writing and recording feverishly to fill my time, but everything seemed to merge together – songs, sleep, food....

*To Jack: Hey – did we really write and record a whole new song yesterday or am I imagining it? T

I waited to see if he would respond, looking at the clock and seeing it was only just 7am. I decided that Jack was probably not up yet, so put my phone down and tried to go back to bed. But my mind was racing, and I couldn't get the thought out of my mind. I grabbed my phone again and checked the calendar. It was definitely Wednesday, and I'd had a session with Jack booked for Tuesday – so that part was true.... But had we written something new? Was I dreaming it up? Should I be recording what's coming to mind? I couldn't find any videos or voice recordings or notes on my phone that were new.

Suddenly my phone buzzed in my hands.

*From Jack: I just checked. We totally recorded a song. Like 100% done ready to go. And it sounds awesome! I'll send you over a sample. Freaking felt like a dream when I listened to it. J

I immediately scrambled out of bed and into the living room, completely ignoring the fact that there was someone in my kitchen and the cats were already eating their food, making a beeline for my laptop in the living room and opening it up. I climbed onto a sofa, crossing my legs and pulling my laptop onto my lap. I opened my emails and refreshed constantly until a file from Jack came through. I felt like I was pumped up on adrenaline or something, which was an odd feeling for a Wednesday early morning in late February. I opened the file , called 'NYD', and listened.

Listened as this beautiful and raw song came out through my laptop speakers. Just me and the piano. I had to pinch myself to make sure that I was awake and it definitely wasn't a dream. I felt my hands come up to my cheeks as my smile grew 10 sizes, replaying the clip Jack sent me over and over. Memories flooded my mind – and not only from New Years but from the last 5 months, of the amazing days and nights spent with Joe, everything from watching TV to going out in London with friends to hosting an epic New Years party. I felt tears – happy tears- start to trickle down my face.

Suddenly I felt someone behind me and froze, my mind suddenly on high alert as the delicate lyrics of New Year's Day played in the background. I braced myself for whatever might happen next. I was sure nobody was here – but I had to admit to myself that I hadn't been very observant recently.

"Is that a new song love?" I heard the dulcet tones of my boyfriends voice say from behind me, maing my whole bod melt and my heart race. I shoved my laptop off my lap and jumped off the sofa, spinning around and flingling myself into his arms.

"YOU'RE HOME!!" I squealed.

"Surprise!" He said, chuckling slightly as he held me in his arms, "I've been here for an hour or so.... You walked right by me earlier."

I blushed and hid my face in the side of his neck.

"Oops?" I said biting my lip slightly as he laughed a little. "I was a little distracted."

"I could tell. So what was this important task on your laptop?" He asked, moving over towards te sofa and sitting down with my on his lap.

"Um... So apparently Jack and I wrote, record, and finished the production on a song all in one day yesterday. And this morning it felt like such a dream that I had to check that it was real.... And, well, yeah.... This is a part of it." I explained as I reached for the laptop and started the 1 minute 30 second sample over again, cuddling into his arms even more.

I waited until it was over and I had closed my laptop before looking at his face.

He was smiling.

"That was.... Gorgeous love. It.... It evoked all the feelings that I have for you, all the perfect memories, the simplicities and complexities." He said, making me blush and smile back at him, "I, for one, will never let go of any memories and plan on making a billion more with you."

"I love you." I said. Simple and true. He was it, the one who understood me and made me feel like myself for the first time in years.

"I love you too." He replied, not letting go of me.

We sat there for a while before I suddenly sat up.

"I need to text Jack!" I said, jumping off his lap and rushing back to my room to get my discarded phone.

"Oh yeah, sure, just leave me alone!" Joe said, laughing as I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I'll never be able to leave you alone. You're stuck with me forevermore." I said, coming back into the living room with my phone in hand and sitting back on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, "Every single day from now until the end of time."

"Sounds like the perfect amount of time." He replied, smiling softly and making my heart explode. "Now get back to Jack, I can feel your phone vibrating and it's probably him."

I chuckled as I looked at my phone and saw 8 messages from Jack.

*From Jack: Are you there?

*From Jack: (Gremlin voice) Did you like it?

*From Jack: Hello? Taylor?

*From Jack: Am I in a dreamworld? There's noody here to pinch me! Help!

*From Jack: TAYYYYYLOR????

*From Jack: Are you pretending to be dead?

*From Jack: I'm calling security! Hope you aren't hurt.

*From Jack: Security says Joe is there... Go figure that you aren't replying to me. Enjoy 😉

"Yeah, I'd better let him know that I'm alive!" I said, showing Joe the stream of messages.

*To Jack: I LOVE IT! It's incredible – we did good! Beauty and perfection! I think it should be the final song – a good closer. (Gremlin voice) I like it very much.

"Tell him Hi from me too." Joe said as I sent the message.

*To Jack: And Joe says Hi and he thinks it's great. Also come for lunch today.

"Now that's done...." I said, looking straight at Joe, "I can focus on you and the fact that you've been gone for 2 very long weeks."

"VERY long weeks." He replied, smirking slightly.

*To Jack: Actually, make that dinner.

*From Jack: Glad you both like a song about yourselves. I'll see you at 7? Or just let me know when the apartment is appropriate for company 😉

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