Old and sad days

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Some weeks after your death, days been tough, really tough. Talon seemed to wake up from their sleep and they got involved in a lot of fight. Too many fights. The number of war in the world increased a lot and Overwatch had difficulty to stop them without killing too many people. Was Talon becoming stronger or was Overwatch weaker? No one could really say it. Maybe because your death affected a lot of agents in there. Speaking of agents, Talon recruited more agents talented, Overwatch wondered if they recruited them or were they here from the start but just didn't get on mission. So many questions, so little answered.

The fight against Talon became harder every day even if they lost one of their most important leaders, Doomfist. Moira came back as well. The stronger team of Talon that includes Reaper, Sombra and Moira had a new teammate now. Overwatch never saw their face, they were always hidden behind something. Sometimes it was a mask, often it was only a hood. It changed, but no matter what they got something to hide behind. They had a regeneration and wraith form similar to Reaper but they didn't have his teleportation. Overwatch tried many times to get some information about them, but they never succeeded. Even if it was only a hood that hid their face, they protected it like their life depends on it. But they found this strange that they didn't find anything about them, it's like they never existed.

Days have been particularly tough for your friends at your death. They couldn't believe you were dead, it hurt them so much. Everyone's mood was down, even Amélie that did not know you very well was sad as well, maybe not as much as the others but still. They searched your body in the entire country but they didn't find anything. They put the fault on the bomb and its huge explosion. Some days after the search for your body, they decided to stop their research and they said it was over, you were really dead and they won't find any corpse. Thought, They honoured you with an appropriate funeral. All the people you knew were here, in black suit or dress.

Their face certainly sad, some of them already crying. Only a few had a stoic face, but it was hard for them to keep it. Those who wanted to give you a speech did and the others listened to them attentively. They thanked you for staying so long in this world with them, cheering them when it was needed, help them even if they didn't want your help, being here and protected them until the end. You weren't here for a long time, just one or two years but you let a lot of memories there. Good or bad, happy or sad, pleasant or painful, it stayed memories that everyone remembered.

At the end of the ceremony, the older went away in first, not that they didn't like you but they had to go. War didn't wait. It followed until the younger ones plus Mako stayed only. Hana walked to your grave and pouted, her eyes already filled with tears. "I thought you were a pro (Y/n), how could you die like this?" She said with her voice cracking but she didn't cry, yet. "You noob... I wished I could enjoy more the time we had. You remember the time where you frightened me during my stream? I-it was a good one..." She whispered the last part, already sobbing. Hana never saw someone she likes died, and she never thought it could be you. It was the first time she lived this, and it was awfully painful for her. Lucio tried to comfort her, he tried but how could he when he was also crying and sad about what happened? They walked away together, leaving Lena, Emily, Jamison and Mako.

Lena did the same, she approached your grave slowly, a small smile on her face. "It was great to meet ya luv, it's sad that I couldn't save ya like ya did in King's Row." She tried to say without crying, something she did but hardly. It seemed like yesterday this episode about the saving her in King's Row. But it had been 2 years already... "B-but I know we'll meet one day s-soon, count on m-me for this luv. I promise ya." Lena wiped her tears and she gave a friendly grin to your grave. Emily stayed near her but Lena told her she was okay. A bit sad but how can she not when she lost her saver and a great friend?

They left after a moment of silence, leaving Jamison and Mako alone. Jamison sat down and looked at your grave. He gave it a furious glance. He started to poke it, to touch it and he grumbled when nothing happened. He was one of the rare people who didn't cry during the ceremony. He took out one of his mines and he put it on the grave. He was about to blow it but Mako put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Jamison got up and he pointed with his arms your grave. "Why?! This means nothin' and ya know it Road!" He angrily shouted. "We didn't fin' their body, why should we put this stupid rock here?! Ya and I know perfectly (Y/n) is still alive, righ'? R-righ'?" His eyes started to fill with tears but his anger got the best of him. He didn't let them go, not for now at least. Mako looked at your grave before turning back his attention on Jamison. "They need to rest in peace Jamison, stop your foolery for once. For Them." Jamison looked one last time at your grave before walking away, sniffing and crying a bit. Mako took out a medal with the sign of Overwatch on it and he put it on your grave, grabbing Jamison's mine. "T-they all wanted to give you this when you'll come back of your mission..." He whispered, finding hard to say this without knowing why. "But you never did, so I decided to give it to you anyway. You deserve it." He said firmly before joining Jamison.

The Phantom watched the scene from afar, their heart aching a bit when seeing their enemies in a state like this. They asked themselves why but decided to put this thought away when Sombra called them with their comm. They quickly went to the grave and they took the medal, raising it in the air and they looked at it for awhile. They put it in their pockets and they rushed to the ship. Sombra waited outside and she gave them a small wave. "Done what you have to do amigo?" They didn't answer and they just sat somewhere, in the ship. Sombra shrugged and she installed herself comfortably next to them. "So what did you do during this little break?" Sombra asked as she started to get bored. They looked at her coldly and they answered with a harsh tone. "Nothing that's your business." Sombra rolled her eyes and she crossed her arms. "Aww, c'mon Phanty, you can tell me. Or should I say (Y/n)?"

What could have happened to you after the fight against Doomfist? Shouldn't you be dead? And why are you now on Talon's side? After all, you promised to never see the people you liked suffer in front you but that's the total opposite you were doing. You were against them, and you knew it would mean that one day you have to fight them and see them suffer. But did you even remember that?


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