Our decision

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You thought about what Sombra told you hours ago. You started to get a small plan in your head but it'll be a big surprise if it'll work. You sighed and you decided to think about this later, the radio attired your attention. It seems that there was other problems in the world. You turned on the sound and you decided to listen.

"Flash Info! The South Korea starts to lose against the Omnic monstrosity. Some countries already commenced to help them but it seems that the Monstrosity is getting bigger and stronger! How will they resolve this-" You cut the radio and you smirked. You knew now how you'll do this. But for now, you wanted to get out a bit. You ire your favourite outfit. You took a gun just in case and you left your room. You quickly walked in the corridors and then, you were out of the base. You breathed deeply before grinning. Liberty could be so nice but you knew it wasn't that easy to be free from Talon.

You went to the city and you walked tranquilly in the streets. No one seemed to understand that you were an agent of Talon, you were quite glad of this. You noticed a little shop and you decided to enter it. It sold mostly food but also some fun toys. You observed them with a little smile. You froze, your eyes went wide and you straightened when you heard a familiar voice.

"Told you, Lucio!" Hana affirmed with her usual smile. "Yeah, you were right! The food was delicious!" Lucio admitted immediately after. You nervously gulped as you knew that there were other people with them. "How did you find it Angie?" Lena happily asked her friend. Angela shrugged but she still had a small smile. "It was good, the ambience was nice as well." She answered.

You tried to get out of the shop but Lena blinked in front of you, holding your gun. You touched your holster and it was empty. 'Damn, I shouldn't have forgotten how fast she is' You told to yourself. "Can I know sir/ma'am why do you-" Lena stopped herself in the middle of her sentence and she let an audible gasp. "(Y/n)... whaddya doin' 'ere luv?" She asked you and you noticed that everyone was looking at you, customers included. You looked at the ground and you passed next to her. "Bring everyone with you and met me outside when you'll have finished." You whispered to her before grabbing back your gun.

You put it in your holster and you waited for them outside. In a street where there was almost no one and in front the shop. You leant against the wall. Lena exited the shop with Lucio, Hana, Angela, Fareeha, Genji and Junkrat.

Genji noticed you the first and he went toward you with everyone else. They stayed a bit far from you, something that you understood. "Don't worry. I know you can be on your guard but it's useless. I won't try anything. I've changed since the other time," you first told them. Some trusted you but the others stayed on their guard. You took the gun in your hand and you threw it on the ground.

You noticed that Fareeha had her hand on something, Genji almost took out his shurikens. You knew now who still had doubts on you, and you couldn't blame this. "First of all, I'm sorry for all the time we met and I tried to kill you. I-I just wasn't in control of my body."

Everyone raised their brows, they certainly were confused. "What do you mean?" Angela gently asked you, you sighed and you knew it was going to be long to explain.

"After my fight with Doomfist, the bomb had a problem and I didn't have the time to escape its blast. I was going to die but Talon picked me to their base." You started and you were about to continue but Lucio stopped you. "Wait, why Talon wanted you?" You looked at him before chuckling. "Why do you think Talon wants a half-dead agent of Overwatch? Only to transform them to an agent of Talon. They transformed me, they manipulated my memories. That's why I didn't remember you and I kept working for them. Until now at least."

They were all shocked before Lena rushed toward you and hugged you. Hana, Jamison and Lúcio followed just after. Then Angela, Fareeha and Genji. You couldn't hug them back but you were so happy to even do something else than enjoy this situation. You missed them all. "We're so happy to hear that! We missed you but like so much! You should have seen Hana at this moment, she didn't stream for 2 entire weeks!"

They started to release you and you saw a red tint on Hana's cheeks. "Pfff! And you Lúcio? Can we talk about how-" Lúcio put his hands on Hana's mouth and Hana only let muffled words exited her mouth. You laughed at that and you wiped a tear of happiness that escaped your eyes. "But luv, that means ya can come back at Overwatch, righ'?" Lena asked you but you sadly shook your head.

"I can't, at least not now. I know most of you will think I'm crazy and Jack surely won't say yes. But please, let Reaper, Moira and Sombra join Overwatch." Your voice almost begged them. Lena looked at your astonished and she seemed angry. Angela watched you with blank eyes and Fareeha was more serious but the other didn't seem to care that much about that.

"Why on Earth luv, do ya want to do this?!" Lena angrily demanded you. "I know you don't like Sombra and you probably hate her, but she's someone nice! She's the one who helped me to get back my memories! She was here when I needed someone!" You turned to Angela that had her arms crossed.

"We told me what was your relation between Moira and you but she didn't want this kind of life! Yes, she wished to do her experiences without someone tells her that it was wrong. But now, she has to work for Talon and she doesn't have time for her experience anymore. She missed the time where you were here. She missed the rivalry you had with her." Angela was in deep thoughts, it was hard for her to believe what you just said. But you were someone trustworthy, so she just took time to proceed what you just said.

You looked at Fareeha now. Sombra told you one time what was Reaper's past. And you know that he loved playing with Fareeha when she was younger. "Gabriel Reyes, does this name remind you something?" Fareeha's eyes sharpened. "This person is dead (Y/n), long time ago." She sternly affirmed. "Well, you'll be surprised that Reaper is Gabriel Reyes. He never died! He's still alive and he worked for Talon, but because he had no choice! It was just a dumb choice that he made because he only felt and saw vengeance. But he changed now, like Moira he missed Overwatch." You looked at Fareeha and she sighed. The others remained silent, not wanting to break the discussion you were having.

The three women gave a glance to each other before nodding. "We've made our decision. And our answer is-"


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