Chapter 2- The breaking point

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I walked home slower than I ever had.
I opened the door quietly trying not to make a sound, as I walked inside.

My heart started pounding as I took in the scene that was unfolding in my living room.

One: My dad was smiling, it was fake though.

Two: My counselor was sitting in my living room with two detectives.

I wasn't scared at them being here.

I was scared of what was going to happen after they left.

We talked to the detectives for an hour & then they finally left.

I smiled and waved goodbye as I feared for my life.

I had my phone in my hand as I was standing by the front door, He stood there glaring at me.

I knew what was coming.

I flung open the front door and ran as fast as my chubby legs would take me.

I knew what was coming. I flung open the door and ran as fast as my legs would carry me.

I ran to the park, lots of people there, I thought.

He wouldn't cause a scene.

I sat down on a bench to catch my breath.

I couldn't believe what I had just done.

I was dead when he got me alone.

My body filled with fear as my phone started to ring, I whimpered softly and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello...?" I whispered.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" the vicious voice of my father  screamed.

I started to cry as I remember he put a GPS tracker on my phone so I couldn't lie.

"The park..." I whispered, instantly regretting it.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" He yelled.

As the call ended, I leaped from the park bench and ran to the womens bathroom as fast as my feet would carrying me. Which for the record, wasn't very fast since I wasn't really athletic. I cried harder as I crouched down in the last stall in the back darkest corner.

The door burst open and slammed against the wall.
I stayed as still as I could. I squished myself against the wall as close as I could get.

I heard slow foot steps getting closer and closer.

I held my breath so he wouldn't hear me.

The stall door flew open and I clutched my legs against my chest as I started to cry. He grabbed my arms and yanked me up from the floor.

I yelped, "HELP!!" I screamed as his hand clamped down on my mouth.

"SHUT UP, or I'll kill you sooner!" He yelled as he held the knife shakily against the middle of my throat.

He pressed up against me and I squirmed.

He pressed the knife harder as he slide his hand up my shirt, and I whimpered. He fumbled at the top of my pants trying to get them off.

He didn't have enough time before I heard the bathroom door fly open a second time.

Footsteps rushed toward us in the back stall.

I fell to my knees & silently thanked God.

The cops handcuffed him and hauled him outside.

The other cop stood in front of me, extending a hand to help me up off my knees and we headed outside.

He acted like I was going to break, like a fragile already-cracked glass.

They read him his rights and shoved him into the back of the car.

"Do you have any idea why he would do this to you, Miss?"

"He has abused me ever since my mom died...." I whispered.

"Well, he wont be anymore. He's going to jail for child abuse, and attempted murder." he told me as they started to walk away.

"What about rape?" I squeaked.

They looked at each other then looked at me. "He sexually abused you too?"

"Yes, since I was 9..." I whispered and silent tears started to fall.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. Is there someone you can call to come get you?"

"No..I'll just stay here for awhile and then I'll walk home."

"Are you sure Ma'am?"
He said eyeing me & giving me a serious look that I knew was fake.

I nodded slightly.
"Okay Ma'am, we will be in touch with you."

And just like that, they left.

I walked over to a picnic table & took a seat.

I was alone since the park cleared out because of the cops.

I laid my head down on my arms and silent tears started falling.

I don't know how long I was asleep, or how I fell asleep but I was awaken by somebody sitting down at the table across from me.

"Hi." she chirped.

"Um...hi? Do I know you?"

"No. I'm Christin, & I saw what happened...I figured you needed someone to talk to or a ride home or a place to stay or something. I'm not really sure...I hope that doesn't sound weird. I know you don't know me, but I would like to help." She smiled.

She was gorgeous.

She had hair that was as black as a raven. It was the length of her back, accompanied by mesmerizing emerald green eyes.

I looked down then back up at her, "I have a house...well its my dads, but it looks like he wont be there for awhile."

"I'll give you a ride home, Sweetie. Come on." She grinned at me and got up.

"Okay." I whispered, "But if you turn out to be like some serial killer or something, I will haunt you in your sleep if you kill me."

Laughing loudly, she smiled.
"I'm not a serial killer, I promise."

I gave her directions on how to get to my house.
She pulled up in the drive way and I opened the door to get out, and she stopped me.
"Wait, let me see your phone." I looked at her for a second and then handed it over. She typed her number into the contacts and gave it back, "If you ever need anything, or you need help, call or text me, okay?"

I nodded, whispering "Okay."
I started to get out & she stopped me again.
She laughed slightly.
"I didn't catch your name.."

"Its Grace."
I smiled & thanked her for the ride as I got out.

I watched her pull away wondering why she cared so much about me.


Hey guys! This is just the beginning! I hope you enjoyed it, even though it was a little boring. :P


Love you guys!



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