1. the change

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He left me he asked for me to follow him and he led me to the middle of the forest. He told me that I was just a toy, a play thing for his family! Then he left me with no idea how to get out I wonder around them getting more lost. I heard a twig snap. My head snapped to the sound. There was Victoria. Red blazing hair and red as blood eyes. we just stare at each each other.
" where's your mate Edward and his family?" Ask Victoria.
" oh I don't know. Edward drag me out here saying we're over. I was just his toy. their family hates me. I was just a play thing and it will be like they never existed." I said snappy. I sat down on a log.
" so they left town knowing you're in danger and in the first as a prey." Victoria said.
"Yep so how are you? sorry about your mate." I asked.
"Ah just feeding here in there. And I was hunting you because you were his mate, but apparently not much as he is left you for dead." said Victoria.
" I want a new life. I can't stand this place anymore. Even she could stop talking or being around me because I was dating Edward." I said.
Victoria smiled.
"Then you came to the right place." Victoria said taking my hand.
"Can we make it look like I was killed?"  I said with a smile.
Victoria smiled and evil smile. We are in to my house and Charlie was still not there. We trashed my room and the living room. We splattered my blood on the walls and the floor. When we finished Victoria bit me and ran out out of the states. This is just the beginning of my transformation.

Izzy Swan A New TurnWhere stories live. Discover now