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I feel burning all over. It felt like I was on fire. Then slowly the pain disappears I open my eyes I can see dust floating down. The cracks in the ceiling. I can smell things. I can hear the crunch of leaves the buzz of bees the fall of water. I set up and tell him you are. My hair was white Hazel and my eyes are blood red. I can honestly say Rose has a run for it. Prayer left a note on the bedside table. I got up and picked up the note I walked to the living room the note read:
congratulations made it through the process. You need to hunt be careful and good luck you supposed ' murder' is on the news.
I laugh I change into clothes that was laid on the dresser. I walk out and smell people in the first. I ran into them and watch them it looks like they're hunting. I dream them and made it mom like a bear or something. I go back to the cabin,and get changed. I put on sunglasses and burn the old cloths that was covered in the blood. I run to edge of the trees and walk out. A good thing is that I grabbed the five thousand. I went and got a new style of clothing. I changed in to a bright red crop top with white jeans and red heels. I bought makeup and put on bright red lipstick and eyeliner. I walk out of the rest room and all males eyes stared at me. I winked and blew kisses to them. I go around towns feeding or looking for people to be in my coven. When I was passing by a dark alley I heard wheezing and I smell blood. I go inside the alley and found a teenager maybe 16 years old.
"Hey I can't help you but there is a cost." I said.
"What's the cost?" the boy asked.
" you will be a vampire drink blood you can't go back home but you will be able to live a long time you you get abilities and you travel everywhere." I said. "please." he said.
I bet his wrist neck and leg I then picked him up and run into an abandoned cabin in the forest and went and brought him close and cleaned him up when his three days were up. He opened his eyes and got in a defensive Crouch.
"Hey it's okay do you remember me. I found you in the alley you were dying I asked you if you want to be like me and I gave you the cost and benefits." I said.
He stood up.
"What is your name?" He asked. I only go by Izzy. What is yours?" I asked. "
Tom I go by Tom." the boy said.
I smile and Nod.
" now let's get you fed." I said. I can feel the gaining of power. Shape-shifting. Cool.
I explain the rules and he watches the hunters then attacks when back is turned and dreams them. He calls them making it look like they were attacked. I smiled and told him he did well.
I explained about the son and his gift. I show him what he can do. I told him he had to think what he looks like. He smiles and tries. And he got it I praised him.
We travel around and he found his mate Nancy. She is 17 and moves around a lot because she was in the foster care system. I changed her period after 3 days she woke up. She has beautiful black hair that goes to her hip. She has the power to control and manipulate the weather. Which is awesome. I taught her the rules and what sign and different blood does to us Rumi and I show her how to hunt. After hunting I told her that she is are so gifted and told her that she and roommate need to practice to get the hang of them.
They nominated me as coven leader. Our cousin name is Patriots coven. I thought it is cool. They did too.
The Volturi knows of us and sends us on missions sometimes. The smell of blood made my head snapped in the direction. I hold out my hand I erase over to see what happened. A bear attack campers I can only hear one heartbeat. The parents are dead but the bear was closing in on the injured 13 year old girl.
I ran and killed the bear.
I'm going to do a little girl.
"What's your name sweetheart? my name is Izzy." I said
"Erica Jones. Is my parents dead?" The girl asked.
" I'm afraid so. It looks like you're not doing well either. Do you know what I am?" I asked." Vampires?" She asked. "You have two choices. Become my race as rules you can buy or can be changed and I can take care of you like A daughter's." I said.
She looks to be thinking.
"Do I have to go to school?" she asked. "Tell you what it's will be hard for to control your thirst. I'll homeschool you." I said with a smile. She smiled." Okay you can change me." Erica said.
I smiled I bet her wrist leg and neck. I then race to the cabin.
"Nan can you get me some clothes size 4 and medium. We have a new member." I said. Nancy and Tom zoomed out with some of my money. when they came back 20 minutes later they came back with a backpack, three jeans, 10 t-shirts, 3 shorts, 4 capris, two dresses, 4 tennis shoes, and one flats.
I cleaned Erica up and changed her in a pair of black jeans with a baby blue tee shirt and blue Snickers. I braided her hair. I then kissed her forehead and hunted. When I got back to the cabin I read a book. When two weird days of watching Nancy and Tom and awkward Airco woke up. When she woke up I was sitting beside her. She smiled at me.
"Hey baby girl let's get you fed but first girls. But first the rules." I said and started explaining the vampire laws.

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